Mandatory and Compulsory are two words that are often confused when it comes to their meanings and connotations. Strictly speaking, there is some difference between the two words. The word ‘mandatory’ is generally used in the sense of ‘binding’. On the other hand, the word ‘compulsory’ is generally used in the sense of ‘essential’. This is the main difference between the two words. mandatoryとcompulsoryは意味と含意にふれるときにしばしば混同される2つの言葉だ。厳密に言うと、2つの言葉には若干の違いがある。mandatoryという言葉は一般的に「拘束力がある」という意味で使われる。他方、compulsoryという言葉は一般的に「必要不可欠な」という意味で使われる。これが2つの言葉の主要な違いだ。
mandatory minimum sentences: 必要的最低刑(量刑の最低限の規定)
mandatory retirement: 強制(定年)退職
It is important to note that anything that is mandatory has the quality of binding the doer to the work. On the other hand, anything that is compulsory has to be essentially done without postponement. The word ‘compulsory’ often refers to things or requirements. On the other hand, the word ‘mandatory’ often refers to conditions. ...
e.g. compulsory military service: 義務的な兵役
e.g. it was compulsory to attend mass.: ミサに参加することは義務だった。
e.g. the abuse of compulsory powers.: 強制的な権力の乱用