/icons/point.icon OBEY and MIND mean to do what a person says. e.g. Obey your parents.
e.g. Obey all traffic laws.
MIND is used like obey especially when speaking to children but it often means paying attention to the wishes or commands of another. e.g. Mind what I said about talking.
source: [ご注文はうさぎですか?の保登心愛がしゃきっと敬礼するGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 702310] verb with object
e.g. I always obey my father.
e.g. the officer was convicted for refusing to obey orders
〈人などが〉服従する, 従う, いいつけを守る.
e.g. no object : when the order was repeated, he refused to obey.
e.g. the universe was complex but it obeyed certain rules.