e.g. banished for seditious activities
EXILE may imply compulsory removal or an enforced or voluntary absence from one's own country. e.g. a writer who exiled himself for political reasons
DEPORT implies sending out of the country an alien who has illegally entered or whose presence is judged inimical to the public welfare. e.g. illegal aliens will be deported
TRANSPORT implies sending a convicted criminal to an overseas penal colony. e.g. a convict who was transported to Australia
verb with object
«場所・活動から/…へ/…の罪で» 〈人〉を追い出す, 追放する, 締め出す, 流刑に処する(exile) «from/to/for» (!しばしば受け身で) e.g. they were banished to Siberia for political crimes.
⦅文⦆ 【心から】〈考え・心配など〉を追い払う, なくす «from» ; 〈問題・病気など〉を打破する, 根絶する
e.g. all thoughts of romance were banished from her head
e.g. it's perfectly feasible to banish the smoke without banning smoking.