〖しばしば~s〗 洪水, 大水, (水の)氾濫
e.g. as modifier : a flood barrier
e.g. in a thousand miles the flood destroyed every bridge
e.g. people uprooted by drought or flood.
⦅詩・古⦆ 海, 川, 湖
〖通例a ~/~s of A〗 A〈物・人〉の殺到, 充満; 多数のA (!AはC名詞複数形かU名詞; C名詞複数形が続く場合は通例複数扱い)
e.g. Rose burst into such a flood of tears and sobs as I had never seen.
e.g. a constant flood of callers.
〈容器など〉を水であふれさせる; 〈場所〉を灌漑(かんがい)する
e.g. the dam burst, flooding a small town
e.g. watching her father flood their backyard skating rink.
e.g. part of the vessel flooded
e.g. figurative : Sarah's eyes flooded with tears.
e.g. most of the families who have been flooded out will receive compensation.
〈川などが〉〈場所〉を水浸しにする, 冠水させる
e.g. the river flooded its banks
〈川などが〉氾濫する, あふれる.
e.g. no object : the river will flood if it gets much worse.
〖~(+副詞)〗 〈多くの人・物が〉大量に押し寄せる, 殺到する(in) (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現)
e.g. sunlight flooded in at the windows
e.g. congratulatory messages flooded in
e.g. his old fears came flooding back.
【物・光・苦情などで】〈場所など〉をいっぱいにする «with» ;〖be ~ed〗 «…で» あふれかえる «with, by»
e.g. she flooded the room with light.
〈多くの人・物が〉〈場所など〉にあふれる, 殺到する
e.g. our switchboard was flooded with calls.
(of a river) be swollen and overflowing its banks.
(be in full flood) be progressing or talking vigorously or enthusiastically:
e.g. discussion was already in full flood and refused to be dammed.