/icons/point.icon 障害
e.g. he was blind in one eye
e.g. she suffered from glaucoma, which has left her completely blind.
〖通例名詞の前で〗情報を伏せた, 素姓を隠した
e.g. a blind tasting of eight wines.
e.g. blind landings during foggy conditions.
〖be ~〗 【現実・状況などに】気づいて[わかって]いない «to»
e.g. she was blind to the realities of her position
e.g. he's absolutely blind where you're concerned, isn't he?
【怒り・恐怖・疲労などで】見境がなくなって «with»
e.g. they left in blind panic.
〖通例名詞の前で〗盲目的な〈信頼など〉; 衝動的な〈憎悪・怒りなど〉; 無計画な〈買い物など〉
e.g. moving purposelessly in a world of blind chance.
比較なし 〖名詞の前で〗死角になっている, 視界のきかない; 先が見えない〈壁・道など〉
e.g. two trucks collided on a blind curve in the road.
e.g. a blind pipe.
e.g. you don't know a blind thing!
e.g. planting too shallowly is the most common cause of bulbs coming up blind.
⦅俗⦆ 酔いつぶれた
verb with object
〈人〉を失明させる, …の視力を失わせる
e.g. the injury temporarily blinded him
e.g. eyes blinded with tears.
〈人〉の理性を失わせる, 判断力を奪う; 【現実などを】〈人〉に気づかせないようにする «to»
e.g. somehow Clare and I were blinded to the truth
e.g. a clever tactician blinded by passion.
e.g. they try to blind you with science.
〖the ~; 名詞的に; 集合的に〗 目の見えない人, 視覚障害者 (!複数扱い)
e.g. guide dogs for the blind.
e.g. she pulled down the blinds.
〖単数形で〗目隠し, ごまかし, 真相を隠すための演技[組織]
e.g. he phoned again from his own home:
e.g. that was just a blind for his wife.
⦅米⦆ (野鳥・動物観察用の)隠れ場所(⦅英⦆ hide1) e.g. you can sometimes use your car as a blind.
e.g. a duck blind.
e.g. he's off on a blind again.
計器のみに頼って, 目隠し状態で
e.g. he was the first pilot in history to fly blind.
やみくもに; よく考え[調べ]もせずに〈買うなど〉
e.g. he was going into the interview blind.
informal having very bad eyesight.
informal extremely drunk.
pretend not to notice. said to be in allusion to Nelson, who lifted a telescope to his blind eye at the Battle of Copenhagen (1801), thus not seeing the signal to ‘discontinue the action’.
informal rob or cheat someone in a comprehensive or merciless way.