source: [交互に見て|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 3041419] verb | ˈôltərˌnāt | no object
«…と» 交互に現れる, 起こる, 交替する «with» (!with句を伴わない場合主語は複数)
e.g. bouts of depression alternate with periods of elation: 鬱の発作は意気揚々の期間と交互に起こる。 e.g. (as adjective alternating) : a season of alternating hot days and cool nights: 熱い日中と寒い夜が交互に現れる季節 【2つの状態などを】行き来する; «…を» 交互にする «between»
e.g. the governorship alternated between the Republican and Democratic parties.: 共和党と民主党の間で政権が交代した。
«…と» 〈物・事〉を交互にする «with» (!with句を伴わない場合目的語は複数) .
e.g. some adults who wish to alternate work with education.: 仕事と教育を交互にすることを願う大人
adjective | ˈôltərnət | attributive (abbreviation alt.) e.g. she was asked to attend on alternate days.: 彼女は隔日で出席できないか尋ねられた。
交互の,に起こる, 代わる代わるの〈2つの事・物など〉
e.g. alternate bouts of intense labor and of idleness.: 懸命な労働と怠惰の入れ替わりの期間 〘植〙 互生の〈葉〉.
⦅主に米⦆ 代わりとなる, 代替の〈考え・方法・人など〉; (2者のうち)いずれか一方の(alternative) e.g. the rerouted traffic takes a variety of alternate routes.: ルート変更された交通は様々な代替ルートを取る。
⦅米⦆ 代わりとなる人, もの, 代理人, 補欠.
Alternate can be a verb, noun, or adjective, while alternative can be a noun or adjective. In both American and British English, the adjective alternate means ‘every other’ ( there will be a dance on alternate Saturdays) and the adjective alternative means ‘available as another choice’ ( an alternative route; alternative medicine; alternative energy sources). In American usage, however, alternate can also be used to mean ‘available as another choice’: an alternate plan called for construction to begin immediately rather than waiting for spring. Likewise, a book club may offer an ‘alternate selection’ as an alternative to the main selection.