I think "breach" is usually used with "contract" or "agreement", something agreed upon between two parties.
Violation is usually used with "the law" or "regulations", something that applies to a more general population
verb with object
〈法律・協定など〉に違反する; 〈約束など〉を破る(break) e.g. they violated the terms of a ceasefire.
〈権利・プライバシーなど〉を侵害する; 〈静寂・睡眠など〉を乱す, 妨げる
e.g. they denied that human rights were being violated.
⦅かたく⦆ 〈神聖な場所・物〉を汚す, 冒涜する
e.g. he was accused of violating a tomb.
⦅文・遠回しに⦆ 〈女性〉を犯す, 強姦(ごうかん)する(rape1) DERIVATIVES