$ \mathrm{trap}^1 |trap|
source: [この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!のアクアがほっぺを押し付けるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 864477] noun
【鳥獣用の】(ばねじかけの)わな, 落とし穴 «for»
e.g. we were fed false information by a double agent and walked straight into a trap.
【人を陥れる】策略, わな «for»
e.g. by keeping quiet I was walking into a trap.
〖通例単数形で〗(抜け出せない)苦境, 窮地
e.g. they fell into the trap of relying too little on equity financing.
e.g. one fuel filter and water trap are sufficient on the fuel system.
(排水管などの)トラップ〘U/S型で臭気の逆入を防ぐ〙; (燃料システムなどの)トラップ〘水蒸気からできる水などを受ける装置〙.
〘史〙 (2輪の)軽馬車
〘クレー射撃〙 標的飛ばし(装置)
⦅俗⦆ 口
e.g. a trap full of dealers.
〘アメフト〙 トラップ戦術
〈鳥獣〉をわなで捕らえる; 〈場所〉にわなを仕掛ける
〖通例be ~ped〗 〈人などが〉 【危険な場所などに】閉じ込められる; «…から» 出られ, 動けなくなる; 【窮地などに】陥る; (陥って) «…から» 抜け出せなくなる «in»
e.g. twenty workers were trapped by flames.
have (something, typically a part of the body) held tightly by something so that it cannot move or be freed: e.g. he had trapped his finger in a spring-loaded hinge.
«…するように» 〈人〉をだます, 策略にかける «into doing»
e.g. I hoped to trap him into an admission.
〘野球〙 〈打球〉をショートバウンドで捕る
〈ボール〉を足, 体で止めてコントロールする 〘サッカー〙
$ \mathrm{trap}^2 |trap|
verb (traps, trapping, trapped) with object (usually as adjective trapped) archaic
put trappings on (a horse):
e.g. gaily trapped mules.
$ \mathrm{trap}^3 |trap| (also traprock)
basalt or a similar dark, fine-grained igneous rock.
late 18th century: from Swedish trapp, from trappa ‘stair’ (because of the often stair-like appearance of its outcroppings).