(急速に)回転する, くるくる回る; 〈人が〉くるりと振り返る(around, round); 〘スポーツ〙 〈ボールが〉スピンする, スピンして飛ぶ
e.g. no object : the girl spun around in alarm
e.g. the rear wheels spun violently
〈人が〉…を(急速に)回す; 〈人・物〉の向きをくるりと変える(around, round); 〘スポーツ〙 〈ボール〉にスピンをかける
e.g. with object : he fiddled with the radio, spinning the dial.
(ショック・興奮・酔いなどで)〈頭が〉くらくらする, 混乱する
e.g. the figures were enough to make her head spin.
〘スポーツ〙 〈ボール〉にスピンをかける
〈ガラスなど〉を繊維状に加工する (!通例過去分詞で〖形容詞〗として用いる: → spun) .
e.g. (as adjective spun) : spun metal components. 〈人が〉 【糸に】〈羊毛・綿など〉を紡ぐ «into» ; «…から» 〈糸など〉を紡ぐ, 撚(よ)る «from»
e.g. they spin wool into the yarn for weaving
e.g. (as adjective spun) : spun glass. 紡ぐ, 紡績する
e.g. this method is used to spin filaments from syrups.
〈クモ・カイコが〉糸を吐く; 巣をかける, まゆを作る
⦅主に文⦆ (だまそうとして・おもしろく飾り立てて)〈話〉を作り上げる, 長々と語る
e.g. they were spinning for salmon in the lake.
(急速な)回転, 回転する[させる]こと
e.g. he concluded the dance with a double spin.
〘スポーツ〙 (ボールの)スピン
e.g. this racket enables the player to impart more spin to the ball.
e.g. he tried to stop the plane from going into a spin.
e.g. an hour-long spin class
e.g. spin can be tough but it's the best cardio/muscle workout.
〘物理〙 スピン〘素粒子の固有角運動量〙
⦅くだけた話・やや古⦆ ; 〖通例a ~〗 (特に楽しむための, 車などでの)一走り, 一乗り
e.g. a spin around town.
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ (特に政治家・企業側に都合のよい)見解, 解釈
e.g. he tried to put a positive spin on the president's campaign.
tell a long, far-fetched story.
(of a parent company) turn a subsidiary into a new and separate company.
North American (of a driver or car) lose control, especially in a skid. make something last as long as possible:
e.g. they seem keen to spin out the debate through their speeches and interventions.
spend or occupy time aimlessly or without profit:
e.g. Shane and Mary played games to spin out the afternoon.