$ \mathrm{slap}^1 |slap|
/icons/point.icon 打つ
hit: 人や物を打ったりたたいたりすることをいう最も一般的な語. 手や棒を使って人や物をすばやく打つことをいい, ねらいを定めて通例1回打つことをいう strike: 〘かたく〙 で, 手や武器を使って人や物を強く打つこと punch: 特にけんかのときに握りこぶしで人や物をできるだけ強くなぐることをいう knock: 訪問を知らせるためにドアをたたいたり, 何かをすばやい動きでたたいて落とさせたり移動させたり, 人を激しくたたくときに用いる slap: 手の平で顔など平らな面をぴしゃりとたたくこと bang: 何かを大きな音がするくらい激しくたたくこと
〈人・顔など〉をピシャリとたたく, 平手打ちする, ひっぱたく
e.g. my sister slapped my face. no object hit against or into something with the sound of a slap: 〖~+副詞〗 〈物が〉(何かに当たって)ピシャリと音を立てる (!〖副詞〗は場所の表現)
e.g. water slapped against the boat.
〈化粧・ペンキなど〉を急いで, 無造作に塗る(on)
e.g. slap on a bit of makeup.
⦅くだけて⦆ «…に対して» (不当に)〈税金など〉を課す, 上乗せする; 〈判決など〉を下す «on»
e.g. the government had slapped an embargo on imports.
平手打ち, ピシャリと打つこと, 音
e.g. he gave her a slap across her cheek.
a sound made or as if made by a slap: e.g. she heard the slap of water against the harbor wall.
adverb informal
⦅話⦆ まともに, まっすぐに; ピシャリと
e.g. storming out of her room, she ran slap into Luke.
e.g. we passed slap through the middle of an enemy armored unit.
congratulations or commendations:
e.g. they deserve a hearty slap on the back for their efforts.
an unexpected rejection or affront.
slap someone around
beat or hit someone repeatedly:
e.g. The teachers knew to watch out to make sure none of the other kids got slapped around
e.g. The people responsible need to be slapped around a little and forced to correct things.
congratulate someone.
a mild reprimand or punishment.
$ \mathrm{slap}^2 |slap|
1. lacking strength, energy, or discipline; ineffectual:
e.g. the book took her three years to write because she was very slap.
2. (of food) soft or runny:
e.g. the chips were crisp outside and slap inside.