/icons/point.icon 豚関連語
hog: pigに比べてより大きく, がさつなイメージがある noun
⦅主に米⦆ (肥えた食用の)豚〘特に120ポンド(54キロ)以上のもの〙
⦅くだけて⦆ 大食いな人; 貪欲な人; 不潔[下品]な人; わがままな人
⦅米俗⦆ 大型のバイク[車]; (貨物用)機関車
⦅英方言⦆ 毛を刈ったことのない若い羊(から刈り取った毛) (!hoggともつづる) ⦅くだけて⦆ 〈場所など〉をひとり占めする
e.g. he never hogged the limelight.
2. (with reference to a ship) bend or become bent convex upward along its length as a result either of the hull being supported in the middle and not at the ends (as in a heavy sea) or the vessel's being loaded more heavily at the ends. Compare with sag1. PHRASES
informal do something completely or thoroughly. of several origins suggested, one interprets hog as the American [/ slang term for a ten cent piece; another refers to one of Cowper's poems (1779), which discusses Muslim uncertainty about which parts of the pig are acceptable as food, leading to the ‘whole hog’ being eaten.] DERIVATIVES