If this is a lot to remember at once, you can think roughly of these terms as growing increasingly specific. RoaringFish's comment made me think of this ordering, which is by increasing messiness:
stack ≤ pile ≤ heap
You might also think of these as being proper inclusions if you are familiar with sets:
stack ⊂ pile ⊂ heap
pile, stack, heapの違いは何となく感覚で使い分けていたがきちんと違いの説明を聞いて納得。「書類の山」を英語で何と言うか?角を揃えて整然と積み重ねてあればa stack of papers。雑然と、ならheap。とりあえず積んであればpile。 https://gyazo.com/1c76b92114f9c533745a0f5dabbea09c
(雑然と積み上げた物の)山, 堆積, 塊 (!1つ1つをきちんと積み重ねた山はpile) e.g. she rushed out, leaving her clothes in a heap on the floor.
e.g. a heap of gravel.
⦅おどけて⦆ おんぼろ自動車[バイク]
e.g. they climbed back in the heap and headed home.
⦅くだけた話⦆ ; 〖~s/a ~ of A〗 たくさんのA, 多量[数]のA(a lot of A) (!AはC名詞の複数形かU名詞) e.g. we have heaps of room.
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖~s; 副詞的に比較級を強調して〗 ずっと, かなり(much) e.g. “How do you like Maggie?” “I like you heaps better!”.
verb with object
〈人が〉(雑然と)…を積み上げる, 積み重ねる(up, together)
e.g. she heaped logs on the fire
e.g. heaped up in one corner was a pile of junk. 〖~ A on [onto] B/B with A〗 A〈物〉をB〈物〉に山のように盛る
e.g. he heaped his plate with rice.
〖名詞の前で〗山盛りの〈スプーン・皿など〉; «…で» いっぱいの, あふれんばかりの «with» .
e.g. a heaped teaspoon of sugar
e.g. a heaping tablespoon of cocoa.
積み重なる, 積もる(up, together).
e.g. clouds heaped higher in the west.
〖~ A on upon B/B with A〗 A〈称賛・批判・物など〉をB〈人など〉にたくさん与える e.g. she heaped praise on the public for its generosity as charity donations continued to pour in
e.g. these are the people who make a living from heaping abuse and ridicule on those of whom they do not approve.
e.g. the film has been heaped with praise by critics and audiences alike.
(of a person) at the highest (or lowest) point of a society or organization:
e.g. she had come up the hard way from the very bottom of the heap.
informal be extremely disconcerted.
British go out of one's way to cause someone remorse. with biblical allusion to Rom. 12:20. (of a person) with the body completely limp:
e.g. he landed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.