(車・船・人などによって運ばれる大量の・重い)荷物, 荷, 積み荷 (!コーパスC名詞だが個数よりも「運ぶべき荷物」といった点に重点があるので前に数詞を伴うのは一般的ではない)
e.g. in addition to their own food, they must carry a load of up to eighty pounds.
e.g. a tractor-trailer load of new appliances.
(洗濯機・食洗機の使用で) 【洗濯物・食器の】1回分 «of»
e.g. I do at least six loads of washing a week.
e.g. the streams deposited their loads, leaving thin sheets of gravel or sand.
(労働・作業の)ノルマ, 負担, 負荷; (人・機械が一度にできる)仕事量
e.g. the increased load on the heart caused by a raised arterial pressure
e.g. the arch has hollow spandrels to lighten the load on the foundations.
〖通例単数形で〗負荷; (建築物などが支える)重み, 荷重
e.g. Arthur has a light teaching load.
〖通例単数形で〗(精神的な)負担, 重荷, 責任感(burden) e.g. consumers will find it difficult to service their heavy load of debt.
⦅しばしばけなして⦆ ; 〖a ~ of A〗 山ほど[たんまり, しこたま]のA(a lot of A) e.g. she was talking a load of garbage.
〖~s; 副詞的に〗 大いに, たいそう
e.g. she spends loads of money on clothes
e.g. there's loads to see here, even when it rains.
〘電〙 荷重, 負荷; 電力量.
e.g. if the wire in the fuse is too thin to accept the load it will melt.
verb with object
e.g. they load up their dugout canoes.
〖load (up) A into [onto] B〗 〈人が〉B〈車など〉にA〈荷物など〉を積む, B〈救急車など〉にA〈人〉を積み込む, 載せる (!コーパスupは通例intoやontoの直前に置かない) ;
e.g. stolen property from a burglary was loaded into a taxi.
〈人が〉(船・車などに)荷物を積む, 〈飛行機・船などが〉乗客を乗せる; 【荷物を】積む(up) «with» (↔ unload); 〈人が〉 【車などに】乗り込む «into, onto» e.g. when we came to the quay the ship was still loading.
⦅くだけて⦆ (A〈物〉を)買いだめする
e.g. I just went down to the store and loaded up on beer.
«…を» …にいっぱい載せる; «…で» …をいっぱいにする, 充満させる; «…を» …に詰め込む «with»
e.g. Elaine was loaded down with bags full of shopping.
e.g. the King and Queen loaded Columbus with wealth and honors.
(通常, 不正に)〈さいころなど〉に詰め物をする; (狙った返事が出るように)〈質問など〉を細工する; 〈酒など〉に混ぜ物をする.
e.g. the odds were loaded against them before the match.
(使用できるように)〈銃〉に弾丸を入れる[込める, 装塡する]
e.g. he began to load the gun.
e.g. load your camera before you start.
e.g. load the cassette into the camcorder.
〘コンピュ〙 〈コンピュータ・人が〉(使用できるように) 【コンピュータ(の記憶装置)などに/ドライブなどから】〈データ・プログラム〉を読み込む, ロードする «into, onto, on/from» ; 〈コンピュータ〉にプログラムを読み込ませる.
e.g. when the program is loaded into the microcomputer, the CPU carries out each instruction.
informal used to draw attention to someone or something:
e.g. get a load of what we've just done.
US informal, dated become drunk: e.g. he got a load on and decided he was going to break every window in the street.
Baseball (of the team at bat) fill all three bases with runners; (of a pitcher) allow all three bases to be occupied by runners. put someone at a disadvantage.
put someone at an advantage.
sit or lie down.
bring someone relief from anxiety:
e.g. providing the income you will need after you stop work can take a load off your mind.