/icons/point.icon HASTE, HURRY, SPEED, EXPEDITION, DISPATCH mean quickness in movement or action.
e.g. marry in haste
HURRY often has a strong suggestion of agitated bustle or confusion. e.g. in the hurry of departure she forgot her toothbrush
SPEED suggests swift efficiency in movement or action. e.g. exercises to increase your reading speed
EXPEDITION and DISPATCH both imply speed and efficiency in handling affairs but EXPEDITION stresses ease or efficiency of performance and DISPATCH stresses promptness in concluding matters. e.g. the case came to trial with expedition
e.g. paid bills with dispatch
source: [らき☆すたの柊かがみが急いでドアを開けるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 531490] noun
e.g. working with feverish haste
あわてること, 性急, 軽率
e.g. I write in haste.
⦅古⦆ «…するのを» 急ぐ(hurry) «to do» . e.g. I make haste to seal this.
proverb you make better progress with a task if you don't try to do it too quickly.
〘英・ことわざ〙 急ぐほどゆっくり;