投資の逆張り (下がってるときに買う) とのアナロジーだと 変化に対し抗うみたいで、現状に対して抗うのと意味が違う
過去? 常に真理を言う理想的な人? 自分自身の意見? 何らかの五分五分などの基準?
しかしAさんはここで 自分の意見を -25 と申告することで $ 3\times 10 - 25 = 5として自分の意見を集計結果に実現させるために、自分の本当の意見について誇張するかもしれない。
このときAさんは、集団 + 意見を集約するプロセス より自分を信じている。(他の人が戦略的に振る舞わない場合には) 自分が他の人より優れた意見を持っていると考える場合にのみ自分がこのように戦略的に振る舞う必要がある (この戦略は部屋の温度が何がいいかをみんなの希望の平均を取って決めるというときにも生じうる)
副詞「個人的には」は、(たとえば集計結果を言うのと違って) 信念集計のための素材を提供するという役割がある?
I'm wondering if people's natural response to two conflicting views is not to notice which one is correct and take that one, but to average them. For example, suppose we invent a system where psychiatry being perfectly evil is -100, and psychiatry being perfectly good is +100, and in fact the truth is +20: psychiatry is on balance slightly good but does have some major dark sides. And suppose this article of Hanson's places psychiatry at -40.
If I know that psychiatry is +20, I have two options. I can correctly argue that psychiatry is +20, but then people average their two data points and get -10, halfway between +20 and -40. Or I can post something at +80, talking about how psychiatry is the BEST THING EVER and anyone who says anything even slightly against it is a DEMONIC ABOMINATION FROM THE NETHER REGIONS OF AN UNFATHOMABLE HELL. And then people average those two data points, and come up with +20, which is exactly where I was trying to land them.
The vicissitudes of reason
An ‘optimized’ society should have different epistemological rules governing different modes of belief
Let’s say that I’m a doctor. I believe that a certain form of cancer treatment is superior to another. My view is not widely held in the medical profession.
If I wanted to be right, there’s a pretty good case I should reason as follows:
Sure my judgment could be correct, but all those people who disagree with me are equally certain of their correctness. Taking the outside view then, I’m probably in the wrong, ergo, I heavily moderate my disagreement with the mainstream, unless I have very strong special evidence that they haven’t seen.
But if everyone reasoned like this, diversity of opinion in the medical profession would fall, and medical opinion would improve in accuracy more slowly, if at all. On the other hand, there’s a pretty good argument that you want your personal physician, in making medical decisions, to lean towards the majority view strongly.
So we have a contradiction between different well-motivated norms, what should we do?
The simplest solution is Double Booking 〔the name was invented by Mark Alfano, a fellow Sydney philosopher- to be clear, he doesn’t necessarily endorse the idea]〕
You should keep one set of beliefs governing what you advocate, formed solely on the basis of your judgment.
And you should keep another set of beliefs governing what you think is true on the basis of all evidence- including the opinions of others and the recognition that there is nothing all that special about your reasoning compared to that of others (or at least others with expertise in the relevant area).
実際に逆張りする因果的理由は心理的なものなのだから、合理的理由を書き連ねるのは何らかのミスリード, rationalizationなのでは →自分
アッシュの同調実験では、サクラの中に一人でも反対者がいると、同調が生じにくくなる (要チェック: 再現性)
分業。もし大して他に科学者がいないなら、素直にスタンダードなやり方をやるだけでlow hanging fruitが得られる。回帰分析を当てはめてくとか(?)。
コストリーシグナリング。自分は○○ (外集団など) ではないぞということを強調するために、もし○○である場合にはコストが高くて言わないであろうことを言う。
The secret of Trump’s success is that most conservative Republicans don’t really care about medical marijuana (or whatever) for its own sake. They care because opposing medical marijuana symbolizes membership in their tribe, they feel like their tribe is persecuted, they have a fierce loyalty to their tribe, and darned if they’re going to support somebody who doesn’t use the right shibboleths.
Trump throws them a bone. He says things like “illegal immigrants are rapists” that no moderate or liberal would ever say, things that would horrify them. He uses all the affectations of being working class. He may not quite prove he’s “one of us”, but he very effectively proves he’s not Just A Typical Outgroup Member.
On the other hand, when I’m trying to convince feminists of something, I start with a trigger warning – partly because I genuinely believe it’s a good idea and those posts can be triggering, but also partly because starting with a trigger warning is a tribal signal that people on the right rarely use. It means that either I’m on their side, or I’m being unusually respectful to it. In this it’s a lot like Trump saying illegal immigrants are rapists – something the outgroup would never, ever do.
There’s a saying that “the majority is always wrong”. Taken literally it’s absurd – the majority thinks the sky is blue, the majority don’t believe in the Illuminati, et cetera. But what it might mean, is that in a world where everyone is overconfident, the majority will always be wrong about which direction to move the probability distribution in. That is, if an ideal reasoner would ascribe 80% probability to the popular theory and 20% to the unpopular theory, perhaps most real people say 99% popular, 1% unpopular. In that case, if the popular people are urging you to believe the popular theory more, and the unpopular people are urging you to believe the unpopular theory more, the unpopular people are giving you better advice. This would create a strange situation in which good reasoners are usually engaged in disagreeing with the majority, and also usually “arguing for the wrong side” (if you’re not good at thinking probablistically, and almost no one is), but remain good reasoners and the ones with beliefs most likely to produce good outcomes. Unless you count “why are all of our good reasoners being burned as witches?” as a bad outcome.
意見の自由市場 the marketplace of ideas における新古典派的な競争を保とうとする人は積極的に逆張りし、一方、シュンペーター的な競争観を持つ人は強制力を用いた少数意見の弾圧は新しい革新を潰すのでダメだが、一時的なヘゲモニーを確立できることはむしろ新しい意見を生み出すインセンティブになる(??)として順張りをすることは肯定するかもしれない(??) (これは冗談みたいなものです)
英語の contrarian は意図して逆張りしているという含みではないかもしれない(どうなんだろう)
逆張りの逆張りは均衡点に達するでしょうか? 力学系として見るのはどうか