ダンスペディアについて / About DancePedia
Dance Science Talk Jornal Club
Catie Cuan
Qiushi Zhou
Milka Trajkova
Expanding the Design Space of Vision-based Interactive Systems for Group Dance Practice
A Retrospective Autoethnography Documenting Dance Learning Through Data Physicalisations
指標・定量的評価 / Evaluation
Topic / トピック
Dance and Choreography in HCI: A Two-Decade Retrospective
練習支援システム / Practice Support
DanXe: An extended artificial intelligence framework to analyze and promote dance heritage
Body, dance and abstraction for spatial and structural comprehension in the first year of design education
The Neuroscience of Dance: A Conceptual Framework and Systematic Review
Dance on the Brain: Enhancing Intra- and Inter-Brain Synchrony