I'll quote it because it's troublesome
To understand "Accelerationism", you first need to understand the term "Libertarianism", translated into Japanese as "リバタリアニズム(Libertarianism)," which means "a political ideology and philosophy that values individual and economic freedom to the maximum. For example, in current Japanese society, there is a system in place where the property of the rich is collected and distributed to help those who are not economically rich, including taxing systems, to correct the wealth and income disparity.
However, libertarians who claim to espouse freedomism take the position that the government should not intervene in any way with regard to private property of individuals. To respect individual freedom, it is necessary to offer help to weaker people only through voluntary acts of wealthy people. This libertarian ideology seems to have a very high affinity with entrepreneurs, investors, IT venture companies, engineers, etc., who conduct business at their own discretion.
This demand for "individual self-ownership first" has flowed into "Accelerationism."