Patrick: The idea of understanding what happened to someone before they were 18 was the topic of a conversation I just had with one of the partners at Sequoia telling me a story about Mike Moritz, Sir Mike Moritz, a very famous investor, who asks that question of just about everyone, thinking that someone's motivation tends to be rooted in their life of childhood, maybe up until 14, not even 18. Before I start getting into your obsession with biographies, you mentioned your mom already, what is that for you? If we were to zoom in on your time pre-14, what's rooted in your own history that's made you this complete obsessive about studying history's great entrepreneurs and founders?
パトリック:18 歳になる前に何が起こったかを理解することは、私がSequoiaのパートナーの1 人と話していた会話のテーマでした。その人は、非常に有名な投資家であるMike Moritz 卿について話してくれました。Moritz 卿は、ほぼ誰もが18 歳以前の生い立ちに動機の根源があると考えていると言います。あなたの伝記への執着について話し始める前に、あなたが母親について言及したことについて教えてください。14 歳以前の時期に、あなたの自身の歴史の中で何があなたをこのように偉大な起業家や創業者の歴史を研究し続けるようにしたのでしょうか?
And we go to dinner with Michael Moritz. Chris works up the nerve to say, "Okay, what did you think?" And Moritz in typical Moritzian fashion, there's an inhale and a long pause and he says, "The question is whether they can get to a few hundred million of net income, and the answer will come down to the strength of the engineering team." マイケル・モリッツと一緒に夕食に行きます。クリスは勇気を振り絞って「それで、どう思いましたか?」と言います。そして、典型的なモリッツ的な仕草で、深呼吸をしてから長い沈黙の後に言います。「問題は、数億ドルの純利益に達することができるかどうかで、その答えは、エンジニアリングチームの強さにかかっています。」 Now Chris and I, I don't know if we were showing a few hundred million of revenue in the model that we had built. And we certainly had not asked that many questions about the strength of the engineering team. And it turned out that Michael was exactly correct. And if you look at the company today, it's an absolute behemoth. And the strength of the engineering team was so critical because the value prop for this product is very strong for merchants and very strong for consumers. So it's been no-brainer, except it was a pain in the butt to implement.
And so the key was going to be, could you deal with the complexity of all the different e-commerce systems and all the different payment mechanisms and all the different preferences of the customers, could you deal with that complexity in an elegant way that is product-driven, not brute force driven, to reduce the friction for people to deploy this product. And if you could, you were going to become ubiquitous. And if you couldn't, you weren't.
And it was going to come down to the strength of the engineering team. That was a lesson for me because Chris and I, we had planned for this trip, we had our long list of all the different questions we wanted to ask. We were frantically screwing about trying to do all of our work on the investment. And Michael got it down to the very simplest possible thing, which turned out to be exactly the right thing.
モリッツは、サンフランシスコを拠点とする大規模な助成財団「クランクスタート」や地元メディア「サンフランシスコ・スタンダード」に資金を提供している。彼は、2022年に市の教育委員会メンバーのリコールを推進したSF Parent Actionを支援し、5月にソーマとテンダーロイン周辺に出回った冗談のようなフェンタニルの広告で知られる政治擁護団体TogetherSF Actionにも資金援助している モリッツのTogetherSF Actionでの政治的支出は 、 ソラノ郡に新都市を建設する取り組みと同様、ベイエリアでは羽目を外して いる。しかし、報告されている総額3億3600万ドルのほとんどは、財団の支出に関する 公表によると、クランクスタートを経由しているようだ。同財団はサンフランシスコの教育、ホームレス問題、移民問題などの慈善団体に助成金を提供している。