口笛(を吹くこと); その音
(風・弾などの)ヒューという音; (鳥などの)さえずり.
笛, ホイッスル; その音
汽笛, 警笛
e.g. the audience cheered and whistled e.g. (as noun whistling) : I awoke to their cheerful whistling e.g. (as adjective whistling) : a whistling noise. «…に» (魅力的なことを示して)口笛を鳴らす, 吹く «at»
e.g. Bob whistled. “You look beautiful!” he said.
〈やかん・装置などが〉ヒューヒュー, ピーピーと音を立てる; 汽笛, 警笛を鳴らす.
e.g. the kettle began to whistle.
〖~+副詞〗 〈弾・風などが〉ヒューと音を立てて進む (!〖副詞〗は経路・方向などの表現)
e.g. the wind was whistling down the chimney.
«人などに/…するように» 口笛で合図する «to/to do» ; «…の合図に» 笛, ホイッスルを吹く «for»
e.g. the referee did not whistle for a foul.
with object (whistle someone/something up) summon something or someone by making a whistling sound. 〖~ A to do〗 A〈人・動物など〉に…するよう口笛で合図する; 〖~ A+副詞〗 A〈人・動物など〉を口笛で呼んで…させる (!〖副詞〗は方向などの表現) ; 〖通例be ~d〗 〈選手が〉 «…に対して» 警告の笛を受ける «for»
⦅英・くだけた話⦆ 〖通例canを伴って〗A〈物〉を要求してもむだである.
e.g. you can go home and whistle for your wages.
informal bring an illicit activity to an end by informing on (the person responsible).
extremely clean or clear.
informal free of incriminating evidence:
e.g. the cops raided the warehouse but the place was clean as a whistle.
let something go; abandon something.
turn a trained hawk loose by casting it off with the wind.
pretend to be unafraid.
try unsuccessfully to influence something that cannot be changed.