$ \mathrm{story}1 | ˈstôrē |
«…についての» (娯楽のために話す, 書いた)話, 物語, 小説 «about, of» (→ tale) e.g. an adventure story: 冒険物語
e.g. I'm going to tell you a story.: 私はあなたに物語を教えるつもりだ。
e.g. the novel has a good story.: その小説はいい話の筋を持っている。
記事, 報道
e.g. stories in the local papers.: 地方新聞の記事
e.g. there have been lots of stories going around, as you can imagine.: 想像できる通り、たくさんの噂が出回っている。
⦅小児⦆ うそ
e.g. Ellie never told stories—she had always believed in the truth.: えりーは嘘を言ったことがなかった。彼女はいつも真実を信じていた。
伝記; (物の)歴史, 由来
e.g. the story of modern farming: 現代農業の歴史
e.g. the film is based on a true story.: その映画は実話に基づいている。
言い訳, 弁解, 作り話
e.g. during police interviews, Harper changed his story.: 警察の取り調べの間、ハーパーは彼の説明を変えた。
(経験・事件についての)話, 説明 (!主に口述の話をいう)
e.g. having such information is useful, but it is not the whole story: そのような情報を持っていることは役に立つが、それが話の全てではない。
e.g. many children with leukemia now survive—twenty years ago it was a very different story.: 白血病を持つ多くの子供達が現在では生き残る。12年前は事情がとても異なった。
informal used after raising a matter to indicate that one does not want to expand on it for now.
informal used to indicate that, for now, one does not want to talk about something that is too involved or painful.
it's (or that's) the story of one's life
informal used to lament the fact that a particular misfortune has happened too often in one's experience: “It's the story of my life,” my mother would say when she returned home from a sale empty-handed.
it is said or rumored:
e.g. the story goes that he's fallen out with his friends.
used to end an account of events quickly:
e.g. to make a long story short, I married Stephen.
used to indicate that a particular bad situation is tediously familiar:
e.g. are we not faced with the same old story of a badly managed project?
語源: 各階の飾り窓に歴史物語(story)を描いたことから /icons/point.icon 階
a part of a building comprising all the rooms that are on the same level: 同じ階層にあるすべての部屋を含む建物の一部 e.g. in combination : a three-story building.: 3階建ての建物