source: [「アイカツ!」の星宮いちごがアニメ112話で 「Let's アイカツ!」を歌って踊るGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 51726] noun
True stars were formerly known as the fixed stars, to distinguish them from the planets or wandering stars. They are gaseous spheres consisting primarily of hydrogen and helium, there being an equilibrium between the compressional force of gravity and the outward pressure of radiation resulting from internal thermonuclear fusion reactions. Some six thousand stars are visible to the naked eye, but there are actually more than a hundred billion in our own Galaxy, while billions of other galaxies are known. 星形(の物)
e.g. the walls were painted with silver moons and stars.
e.g. the hotel has three stars.
e.g. computers in a star layout.
(芸能・スポーツ界などの)スター, 人気者, 花形; (映画・演劇などの)主役
e.g. a pop star
〖形容詞的に〗スターの; 主役の
e.g. as modifier : singers of star quality.
⦅くだけて⦆ (仕事・勉学などでの)大成功した[優秀な]人, 超人気者 (!しばしば〖名詞〗の前で形容詞的に用いる)
e.g. a rising star in the party
e.g. as modifier : Ellen was a star student.
e.g. his golf destiny was written in the stars.
e.g. what do my stars say?
〈映画・演劇・映画会社などが〉 «…に» 〈俳優など〉を主演させる «in» (!受け身にしない)
e.g. a film starring Liza Minnelli.: ライザ・ミネリ主演の映画
〈俳優などが〉 «…に/…と/…の相手役で» 主演する «in/with/opposite»
e.g. McQueen had starred in such epics as The Magnificent Seven: マックイーンは荒野の七人でそのような英雄的な出演陣の中で主演をした。。
e.g. (as adjective starring) : his first starring role.: 彼の最初の主演の役 〈人が〉すばらしい, 際立った働きをする.
e.g. Vitt starred at third base for the Detroit Tigers.: ヴィットはデトロイト・タイガースの三塁手として際立った働きをした。
«…で» 星をちりばめたように飾られる «with» .
e.g. thick grass starred with flowers.: 花で星を散りばめたように飾られた厚みのあるガラス
星印, アステリスクがついている.
e.g. the activities listed below are starred according to their fitness ratings: 下に一覧された活動は彼らの運動の格付けに従って星印がついている。
informal, dated an expression of astonishment.
have high or ambitious aims.
see flashes of light, especially as a result of being hit on the head.
see rise.
used to describe someone who is idealistically hopeful or enthusiastic about their future: a singer selected from hundreds of applicants with stars in their eyes.