source: [手動のシュレッダーで紙を細かく裂くGIF|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 1790808] 〖通例~s〗 (紙・布などの細長い)切れ端; 小片, 細片
e.g. her beautiful dress was torn to shreds.
〖通例a ~ of A; 通例否定の表現と共に〗 わずかなA, 少しのA
e.g. there was not a shred of evidence that linked him to the fire.
1. with object tear or cut into shreds: …を切り刻む, ずたずたにする
e.g. (as adjective shredded) : shredded cabbage. 〈文書など〉をシュレッダーにかける
e.g. we want to hear everything from country and western to blisteringly fast guitar shredding.
very badly damaged; destroyed or ruined:
e.g. my reputation will be in shreds.
tear someone/something to shreds
informal criticize someone or something forcefully or aggressively:
e.g. a defense counsel would tear his evidence to shreds.