/icons/point.icon 叫ぶ
shout: 怒りや注意喚起のため大声を出すことをいうが, 声の質の点で女性や子供にはあまり用いない yell: shoutよりくだけた語で, 怒り・興奮・恐怖・痛み・絶望などで大声を上げることをいうが, 緊迫しており必要な声の大きさを考える余裕がない状況で, shoutより短く荒々しい叫び方をする cry:は〘書〙 で, 恐怖・痛み・興奮などで大声を出すことをいうが, 〘やや古〙 に響く 強意的にoutをつけたcry outは, 恐怖・突然の痛み・憤慨で大声を上げることをいい, 今でもよく用いられる scream: 突然の大きな痛み・恐怖・怒り・興奮などで甲高い金切り声を上げることをいうが, 制御できない怒りや子供の興奮によるものをさすことが多い
source: [ドラゴンボールのピッコロがショックで叫んでいるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 97122] verb
〈人が〉叫ぶ(out); 【喜び・恐怖などで】大声を出す «with» ; 【人に】どなる «at» ; 【人に】大声で呼びかける «to» ; 【人・助けなどを】大声で呼ぶ «for» ; 〖~ at A to do〗 A〈人〉に…するように叫ぶ
e.g. she shouted for joy.
e.g. with object : he leaned out of his window and shouted abuse at them
e.g. I shouted out a warning
e.g. with direct speech : “Come back!” she shouted.
e.g. he apologized because he had shouted at her in front of them all.
e.g. he was shouted down as he tried to explain the decision.
e.g. from crocodile handbag to gold-trimmed shoes she shouted money.
e.g. I'll shout you a beer.
e.g. anyone shooting a hole in one must shout for all players present on the course.
叫び(声), 大声, 歓声, 怒号
e.g. his words were interrupted by warning shouts.
⦅英・豪・くだけて⦆ ; 〖one's ~〗 酒をおごる番 (!大声で酒などを注文することから)
e.g. “Do you want another drink? My shout.”.
give someone a shout
informal call for someone's attention.
call on or get in touch with someone.
in with a shout
informal having a good chance: they were definitely in with a shout of bringing off a victory.
shout something from the rooftops
talk about something openly and jubilantly, especially something that is personal or has previously been kept secret.
shout the odds
talk in a loud and opinionated way.