source: [撤退|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 3288498] verb no object
〘軍〙 〈軍隊などが〉(交戦を避けて・敵に破れて)撤退, 退却する(↔ advance) e.g. the French retreated in disarray.
⦅文⦆ 〈人が〉 «…から/…へ» (恐れたり恥ずかしくて)後退する, 後ろへ下がる, 後ずさりする, 逃げる «from/to»
e.g. it becomes so hot that the lizards retreat into the shade
e.g. (as adjective retreating) : the sound of retreating footsteps e.g. a series of trenches which filled with water when the ice retreated.
⦅書⦆ 〈人が〉 «…から/より安全・静かな場所へ» 逃げ込む, 引きこもる, 隠遁(いんとん)する «from/into, to»
e.g. after the funeral he retreated to the shore.
〈人などが〉 【当初の計画・約束などから/やや穏健なものへ】後退する, 方針を変更する «from/into»
e.g. his proposals were clearly unreasonable and he was soon forced to retreat.
〘経〙 〈株価などが〉下がる
e.g. with complement : shares retreated 32 points to 653 points.
(恐れや恥ずかしさのための)後ずさり, 後退 (!具体例ではa ~; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う)
e.g. a speedy retreat
〖具体例では可算〗 «…からの» (敗れた軍隊の)退却, 撤退, 後退 «from» (↔ advance) e.g. the army was in retreat.
【当初の計画・約束などから/やや穏健なものへの】変更, 後退 «from/to» (!具体例ではa ~; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う) .
e.g. the unions made a retreat from their earlier position.
〘経〙 (株価などの)下落
〖通例the ~〗 退却の合図
e.g. the bugle sounded a retreat.
帰営ラッパ, 太鼓; (日没時の)国旗降下式の合図
(安全・静寂な)避難場所, 保養所, 隠遁所, 憩いの場, 隠れ家
e.g. their mountain retreat in New Hampshire.
〘宗〙 (修行を行う)静修(期間), 黙想会〘黙想のため修道院に入る〙
e.g. the bishop is away on his annual retreat
e.g. before his ordination he went on retreat.
see beat.