/icons/point.icon PREDILECTION, PREPOSSESSION, PREJUDICE, BIAS mean an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something. PREDILECTION implies a strong liking deriving from one's temperament or experience. e.g. a predilection for travel
PREPOSSESSION suggests a fixed conception likely to preclude objective judgment of anything counter to it. e.g. a prepossession against technology
e.g. a mindless prejudice against the unfamiliar
BIAS implies an unreasoned and unfair distortion of judgment in favor of or against a person or thing. e.g. a strong bias toward the plaintiff
«…に対する» (人種・思想・性別などに基づく)先入観, 偏見 «against, toward» ; «…に対する» 偏愛, ひいき «in favor of» e.g. English prejudice against foreigners: イギリス人の外国人に対する偏見 e.g. accusations of racial prejudice.: 人種差別の告発
(人の行為・判断などから生じる)損害, 不利益
e.g. prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of the proceedings.: 裁判の遅れから生じた不利益
verb with object
«…に対して» 〈人〉に偏見を持たせる «against» ; «…に対して» 〈人〉に良い先入観を植え付ける «in favor of» . e.g. the statement might prejudice the jury.: その陳述は陪審員に偏見を持たせたかもしれない。
⦅かたく⦆ 〈成功・発展など〉の障害になる; …に悪影響を与える
e.g. delay is likely to prejudice the child's welfare.: 遅れは子供の福祉の障害となりそうだ。
偏見を持たずに; 〘法〙 «…に対する» 権利を毀損せずに, 実損を与えずに «to» .
e.g. the payment was made without any prejudice to her rights.: その支払は彼女の権利を既存せずに行われた。