source: [Charlotteで乙坂有宇がダンボールの箱を開けるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 630263] noun
⦅主に英⦆ 【物・人の】一群, ひとまとまり; かなりの量 «of»
e.g. a parcel of shares.
e.g. an inversion forms a barrier to a rising parcel of air.
⦅英⦆ …を荷造りする, 小包にする(up).
e.g. he parceled up his only winter suit to take to the pawnbroker.
…を分け合う, 分配する(out)
e.g. they will start parceling out radio frequencies for digital cordless telephones.
a children's game in which a parcel is passed around to the accompaniment of music, the child holding the parcel when the music stops being allowed to unwrap a layer.
see part.