$ \mathrm{pale}^1 |pāl|
source: [アリスが青ざめてガクガクふるえるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 486450] adjective
〈物(の色)が〉淡色の, 白っぽい; 〈光が〉おぼろな, かすんだ
e.g. choose pale floral patterns for walls.
(病気・不安などで)〈人・顔などが〉青白い, 蒼白(そうはく)の
e.g. she looked pale and drawn.
〈複製などが〉大したことのない, 劣った
e.g. unconvincing rock that came across as a pale imitation of Bruce Springsteen.
verb no object
e.g. I paled at the thought of what she might say.
(ほかと比べると)色あせる, 見劣りする
e.g. all else pales by comparison
e.g. his own problems paled into insignificance compared to the plight of this child.
$ \mathrm{pale}^2 |pāl|
(柵を作る)杭(くい); 柵
境界(内), 領域, 範囲
e.g. bring these things back within the pale of decency.
〖(the) English ~〗 ペール〘アイルランド東部地方〙
3. Heraldry a broad vertical stripe down the middle of a shield. PHRASES
outside the bounds of acceptable behavior:
e.g. the language my father used was beyond the pale.