$ \mathrm{lump}^1 |ləmp|
source: [六畳間の侵略者!?の虹野ゆりかが巨大たんこぶを作って涙を流すGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 651131] noun
e.g. there was a lump of ice floating in the milk. 〘医〙 «…の» こぶ, しこり, 腫れ物, 腫瘍 «in, on»
e.g. he was unhurt apart from a huge lump on his head.
⦅英話⦆ まぬけ, のろま.
e.g. I wouldn't stand a chance against a big lump like you.
〖~ A and B/A (in) with B〗 AをBと一緒くたにする, ひとまとめにする(together); …をひとまとめにして扱う, 考える e.g. Hong Kong and Bangkok tend to be lumped together in travel brochures
e.g. he tends to be lumped in with the crowd of controversial businessmen.
e.g. I came lumping along behind him.
a feeling of tightness or dryness in the throat caused by strong emotion, especially sadness:
e.g. there was a lump in her throat as she gazed down at her uncle's gaunt features.
informal, chiefly North American suffer punishment; be attacked or defeated. ORIGIN
$ \mathrm{lump}^2 |ləmp|
verb with object (lump it) informal
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖~ it〗 嫌でも受け入れる, 我慢する
e.g. you can like it or lump it but I've got to work.