/icons/point.icon 見つける
find: 偶然によって, あるいは意図して人・物などを見つけること. 時に find out の形で用い, 真相・実態などの解明を含意する e.g. The missing child has not beenfound yet.: 行方不明中の子供は未だ見つかってない
e.g. Was America discovered by Columbus?: アメリカはコロンブスによって見つけられたのですか
detect: 組織的・体系的調査によって, 秘匿された物や見つけにくい物を発見すること e.g. The poison was detected in the pond.: その池で毒物が見つかった
/icons/point.icon DISCOVER, ASCERTAIN, DETERMINE, UNEARTH, LEARN mean to find out what one did not previously know.
DISCOVER may apply to something requiring exploration or investigation or to a chance encounter. e.g. discovered the source of the river
ASCERTAIN implies effort to find the facts or the truth proceeding from awareness of ignorance or uncertainty. e.g. attempts to ascertain the population of the region
DETERMINE emphasizes the intent to establish the facts definitely or precisely. e.g. unable to determine the origin of the word
UNEARTH implies bringing to light something forgotten or hidden. e.g. unearth old records
LEARN may imply acquiring knowledge with little effort or conscious intention (as by simply being told) or it may imply study and practice. e.g. I learned her name only today
e.g. learning Greek
source: [砂漠の発掘現場で考古学者が何かを発見したGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 69884] verb with object
〈人が〉(偶然に・研究して)〈人・物・事〉を発見する, 見つける; …に気づく (!なくした物を見つける場合はfind) e.g. firemen discovered a body in the debris
e.g. she discovered her lover in the arms of another woman.
e.g. the courage to discover the truth and possibly be disappointed
e.g. with clause : it was a relief to discover that he wasn't in.
e.g. Fleming discovered penicillin early in the twentieth century.
e.g. a teenager who has recently discovered fashion.
〖通例be ~ed〗 〈無名の芸術家などが〉(才能などを)見いだされる, 発掘される.
e.g. I discovered the band back in the mid 70s.
⦅古⦆ …を明らかにする; 示す; 暴露する
e.g. they contain some secrets which Time will discover.
e.g. she at last discovered herself to me.
e.g. with what agility did these military men discover their skill in feats of war.