verb (past and past participle bled |bled| ) 〈人・体(の一部)などが〉 【傷口などから】出血する, 血が出る «from»
e.g. the cut was bleeding steadily
e.g. some casualties were left to bleed to death
e.g. (as noun bleeding) : the bleeding has stopped now. 〈患者〉から血液を採る, 瀉血(しゃけつ)する (!昔よく行われた治療法をさす; 通常の採血はtake bloodという) e.g. the first steer rolled out on the floor to be bled, skinned, and dressed.
【お金などを】〈人〉から搾り取る, 巻き上げる «for, of»
e.g. his policy of attempting to bleed unions of funds.
〈機具・容器など〉から気体[液体]を抜く; 〈気体・液体〉を抜き取る
e.g. open the valves and bleed air from the pump chamber.
e.g. bleeding the radiator at the air vent.
e.g. I worked loosely with the oils, allowing colors to bleed into one another.
〘印〙 〈写真などが〉裁ち落としになる
e.g. the picture bleeds on three sides
〘印〙 〈写真など〉を裁ち切りにする
e.g. with object : Faye showed us how to bleed the images for our brochure layout.
e.g. a lot of blood was lost from the placental bleed.
e.g. the amount of air bleed from the compressor.
e.g. it allows printing of a tabloid page with full bleed.
e.g. color bleed is apparent on brighter hues.
drain someone or something of wealth or resources:
e.g. this car has been bleeding me dry
e.g. the industry had been bled dry by piracy.
used ironically to express the speaker's belief that the person spoken about does not deserve the sympathetic response sought:
e.g. “I flew out here feeling tired and overworked.” “My heart bleeds for you!” she replied.