/icons/point.icon AFFLICT, TRY, TORMENT, TORTURE, RACK mean to inflict on a person something that is hard to bear. e.g. ills that afflict the elderly
TRY suggests imposing something that strains the powers of endurance or of self-control. e.g. children often try their parents' patience
TORMENT suggests persecution or the repeated inflicting of suffering or annoyance. e.g. a horse tormented by flies
TORTURE adds the implication of causing unbearable pain or suffering. e.g. tortured by a sense of guilt
RACK stresses straining or wrenching. e.g. a body racked by pain
source: [綾波が使徒に浸蝕され苦しむGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 360889] verb with object
⦅かたく⦆ 〈病気・災害などが〉〈人・国など〉を苦しめる, 悩ます (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. his younger child was afflicted with a skin disease 〖the ~ed; 名詞的に; 集合的に〗 苦しんで, 悩んでいる人々 (!複数扱い)
e.g. (as plural noun the afflicted) : he comforted the afflicted.
e.g. Jupiter is afflicted by Mars in opposition.