source: [NEW GAME!の八神コウの顔が茹蛸みたいに真っ赤になるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 974163] /icons/point.icon INFUSE, SUFFUSE, IMBUE, INGRAIN, INOCULATE, LEAVEN mean to introduce one thing into another so as to affect it throughout. INFUSE implies a pouring in of something that gives new life or significance. e.g. new members infused enthusiasm into the club
e.g. a room suffused with light
IMBUE implies the introduction of a quality that fills and permeates the whole being. e.g. imbue students with intellectual curiosity
INGRAIN, used only in the passive or past participle, suggests the deep implanting of a quality or trait. e.g. clung to ingrained habits
INOCULATE implies an imbuing or implanting with a germinal idea and often suggests stealth or subtlety. e.g. an electorate inoculated with dangerous ideas
LEAVEN implies introducing something that enlivens, tempers, or markedly alters the total quality. e.g. a serious play leavened with comic moments
verb with object
⦅文・かたく⦆ 〈光・感情・性質などが〉〈人・物・状況など〉を覆う, 満たす; 〖be ~d with A〗 Aで満たされる
e.g. her cheeks were suffused with color
e.g. the first half of the poem is suffused with idealism.