/icons/point.icon 馬鹿げた
stupid: 良識・思考力・判断力が欠如していることをいい, 人に用いると〘けなして〙 響く. 〘話〙 で好まれ, 〘書〙 では代わりに〘よりかたく〙 〘丁寧に〙 響くfoolishやunwiseなどが好まれる silly: 分別・判断力・真剣さに欠け, 時に子供っぽく後に恥ずかしくなるような愚かさをいう. foolishやstupidほど語調は強くなく子供に対しては好まれるが, 大人に用いるとやはり〘けなして〙 響く crazy: 〘くだけて〙 で, 良識・判断力に欠け奇異であることをいい, 通例〘けなして〙 用いる. 専門的に精神障害をさす場合はinsaneの方が普通 /icons/point.icon SIMPLE, FOOLISH, SILLY, FATUOUS, ASININE mean actually or apparently deficient in intelligence.
SIMPLE implies a degree of intelligence inadequate to cope with anything complex or involving mental effort. e.g. considered people simple who had trouble with computers
FOOLISH implies the character of being or seeming unable to use judgment, discretion, or good sense. e.g. foolish stunts
SILLY suggests failure to act as a rational being especially by ridiculous behavior. e.g. the silly antics of revelers
FATUOUS implies foolishness, inanity, and disregard of reality. e.g. fatuous conspiracy theories
ASININE suggests utter and contemptible failure to use normal rationality or perception. e.g. an asinine plot
source: [【プラスチック姉さん】ひたすら友人をからかい悪ふざけする姉さんのGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 855007] 〈人が〉愚かな, ばかな, 賢明さのない; 〖it is ~ of A/A is ~ to do〗 (人を評価して)…するなんてA〈人〉はばかである
e.g. another of his silly jokes
e.g. “Don't be silly!” she said.
〈物・事が〉くだらない, ふざけた, ばかばかしい, (後で考えると)恥ずかしい; ⦅主に英⦆ 〈価格が〉あきれるほど低い
e.g. he would brood about silly things.
⦅話⦆ 気絶して, 気が遠くなって, 目を回して
e.g. he often drank himself silly
e.g. his mother worried herself silly over him.
noun (plural sillies) informal
⦅話⦆ まぬけ, ばか
e.g. come on, silly.
high summer regarded as the season when newspapers often publish trivial material because of a lack of important news.