RECIPROCATE implies a mutual or equivalent exchange or a paying back of what one has received. e.g. reciprocated their hospitality by inviting them for a visit
e.g. the enemy retaliated by executing their prisoners
REQUITE implies a paying back according to one's preference and often not equivalently. e.g. requited her love with cold indifference
RETURN implies a paying or giving back. e.g. returned their call return good for evil
verb no object
〈人などが〉 «…に対して/…で» 報復[復讐]する; 報復関税を課す «against/with» ; «…して» 報復[仕返し]する «by doing»
e.g. the blow stung and she retaliated immediately.
e.g. they used their abilities to retaliate the injury.