/icons/point.icon EXCEED, SURPASS, TRANSCEND, EXCEL, OUTDO, OUTSTRIP mean to go or be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree. EXCEED implies going beyond a limit set by authority or established by custom or by prior achievement. e.g. exceed the speed limit
SURPASS suggests superiority in quality, merit, or skill. e.g. the book surpassed our expectations
TRANSCEND implies a rising or extending notably above or beyond ordinary limits. e.g. transcended the values of their culture
EXCEL implies preeminence in achievement or quality and may suggest superiority to all others. e.g. excels in mathematics
OUTDO applies to a bettering or exceeding what has been done before. e.g. outdid herself this time
e.g. outstripped other firms in sales
〈需要・量が〉…を上回る, 越える
e.g. supply far outstripped demand.
〈競争相手〉に勝る, …をしのぐ(surpass); 〈競争相手〉を追い越す