/icons/point.icon PACIFY, APPEASE, PLACATE, MOLLIFY, PROPITIATE, CONCILIATE mean to ease the anger or disturbance of. PACIFY suggests a soothing or calming. e.g. pacified by a sincere apology
APPEASE implies quieting insistent demands by making concessions. e.g. appease their territorial ambitions
PLACATE suggests changing resentment or bitterness to goodwill. e.g. a move to placate local opposition
e.g. a speech that mollified the demonstrators
PROPITIATE implies averting anger or malevolence especially of a superior being. e.g. propitiated his parents by dressing up
CONCILIATE suggests ending an estrangement by persuasion, concession, or settling of differences. e.g. conciliating the belligerent nations
〈人〉をなだめる, 慰める; 〈感情〉を和らげる, 静める
e.g. nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists.
e.g. the women hoped to mollify the harsh wilderness environment.