/icons/point.icon 騙す
cheat: 不正手段でお金・財産などを得るためにだますこと fool: 笑い者にしたり, 欲しい物を手に入れるためにだますこと /icons/point.icon CHEAT, COZEN, DEFRAUD, SWINDLE mean to get something by dishonesty or deception.
e.g. cheated me out of a dollar
COZEN implies artful persuading or flattering to attain a thing or a purpose. e.g. always able to cozen her grandfather out of a few dollars
DEFRAUD stresses depriving one of his or her rights and usually connotes deliberate perversion of the truth. e.g. defrauded of her inheritance by an unscrupulous lawyer
SWINDLE implies large-scale cheating by misrepresentation or abuse of confidence. e.g. swindled of their savings by con artists
source: [山田くんと7人の魔女の山田達が追試でいい点数を取るGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 859209] verb
〈人が〉 【試合・ゲームなどで】不正をする, ごまかす, 【試験で】カンニングをする «at, in, on»
e.g. she always cheats at cards.
⦅けなして⦆ 〈人が〉(利益のために)〈人〉をだます, 欺く; 〖cheat A(out) of B〗 A〈人〉からB〈物・事〉をだまし取る; 〖~ A into doing〗 A〈人〉をだまして…させる
e.g. he had cheated her out of everything she had.
⦅くだけて⦆ 【配偶者などをだまして】浮気, 不倫する «on» (→ affair) e.g. I wish someone had told me my partner was cheating on me.
〈死など〉を(運よく)逃れる(elude); 〈退屈など〉をごまかして忘れる, 紛らす e.g. she cheated death in a spectacular crash.
e.g. the tuneless rhyme with which the warder cheats the time.
e.g. a liar and a cheat.
詐欺, 不正行為; 〖通例a ~〗 いんちきな物, 偽物;〘ゲーム〙 いんちき技