/icons/point.icon STICK, ADHERE, COHERE, CLING, CLEAVE mean to become closely attached. STICK implies attachment by affixing or by being glued together. e.g. couldn't get the label to stick
e.g. antibodies adhering to a virus
COHERE suggests a sticking together of parts so that they form a unified mass. e.g. eggs will make the mixture cohere
CLING implies attachment by hanging on with arms or tendrils. e.g. clinging to a capsized boat
CLEAVE stresses strength of attachment. e.g. the wet shirt cleaved to his back
e.g. paint won't adhere well to a greasy surface.: 絵の具は油でお割れた表面にはよく付着しないだろう。
e.g. the people adhere to the Muslim religion.: ムスリムの信仰を信奉する人々
e.g. the account adhered firmly to fact.: その説明は真実にをかたく支持した。