フェルディナント: おお、ドロテア。やはり君がいると、食堂が華やぐね。
Ferdinand: Ah, Dorothea! The dining hall seems so much brighter with you here.
ドロテア: あら、フェルくん。相変わらずお世辞がお上手ですこと。
Dorothea: Ferdie! I must say, you are quite adept with flattery. Please, give me some more.
フェルディナント: いや、世辞ではないが……またそういう態度か。
Ferdinand: Flattery? No, I was not... there you go with that attitude again.
Why do you reserve such cold treatment for me, and me alone?
Do you hate me, Dorothea? Or have you some other reason to avoid my company?
ドロテア: まあ、流石は貴族様。観察眼に長けているんですねえ。
Dorothea: I underestimated you. I assumed your noble upbringing had dulled your perception.
But you got it right on your first try. I hate you.
宰相の息子に面と向かって I hate you. と言うドロテアが凄い…
フェルディナント: ふっ……やはりそうか。
Ferdinand: Huh. I was right.
Might I ask why you find me so despicable? I can scarcely guess.
ドロテア: 特に理由なんてありません。気にするだけ無駄ですよ。
Dorothea: Don't waste another minute thinking about it.
フェルディナント: そうもいかない。君が訳もなく人を嫌うとは思えないからな。
Ferdinand: That will not do. I do not think you would hate a person for no reason.
ドロテア: そうねえ、じゃあ貴方が訳を当てられたら、正直に認めてあげようかしら。
Dorothea: Hm, perhaps. How's this? If you can guess why, I'll let you know if you're right.
The brains of us commonfolk are so simple, it should be pretty easy for a big-shot noble to sort out.
フェルディナント: なっ……! よし!挑まれたからには当ててみせよう。
Ferdinand: Very well. I cannot walk away from a challenge. I have no choice but to chance a guess.
You are always making fun, calling me a "big shot" and so forth. Perhaps you think all nobles are... no, it could not be that simple.
ドロテア: ふふっ。さあ、どうでしょうねえ?
Dorothea: Oh? What can't be that simple?
フェルディナント: ま、待ちたまえ。何か手掛かりになるようなものはないかね?
Ferdinand: Please. Will you not give me a clue?
ドロテア: ふふ……なら、一つだけ。貴方が蜜蜂のようだから、かしらねえ。
Dorothea: Well, let me see. A good clue... I know! It's because you're like a bee.
That oughta be enough of a clue. So long, Ferdie.
フェルディナント: ううむ、蜜蜂か……。自分の役割を全うしている、ということか?
Ferdinand: A bee? I haven't the slightest... perhaps because I am such a diligent worker?
フェルディナント: これはいいところに。手作りの焼き菓子はいかがかね?
Ferdinand: Ah, you have arrived at just the right time. Care for one of these handmade treats?
ドロテア: フェルくん……?貴方、いつの間に菓子職人になったの?
Dorothea: My goodness, Ferdie. When did you become such a talented confectioner?
フェルディナント: はは、ドロテア。職人というほどのものではないよ。
Ferdinand: Oh, Dorothea! I am hardly an expert.
ドロテア: ふふっ、当たり前でしょう。でも、お菓子なんて作れたのねえ。
Dorothea: Nevertheless, you have managed to make some tasty-looking treats.
フェルディナント: いや、初めての挑戦だ。こうして食べられるものになるまで、幾度となく失敗したさ。
Ferdinand: Well, it is the first time I have tried my hand at it. Honestly, there were several unsuccessful attempts preceding this batch.
I made these pastries to solve that riddle you gave me. The reason you despise me.
ドロテア: へえ、何でか聞いても構いません?
Dorothea: Oh?
フェルディナント: 良いとも。君は私を蜜蜂と言った。蜜蜂は巣を持ち、甲斐甲斐しく働く。
Ferdinand: You said I was like a bee. The bee is a dutiful worker, just as I am.
But the bee inherits a capacious home, with a wealth of honey. Similarly, I inherited my fortune. I did not receive it as a reward for my labor.
I surmised that perhaps you'd feel differently about me if I earned something all on my own.
That was my plan. To emulate transformation from desperate pauper to successful songstress.
君は私が蜜蜂のようだと言った。 蜜蜂は私と同じように忠実な働き人だ。
だが、蜜蜂は豊富な蜂蜜を備えた広々とした家を継承する。私も同様に、自分の財産を相続した。これは 労働に対する報酬として受け取ったものではない。
それが私の計画だ。 絶望的な貧困から成功した歌姫への変身を見習ってな。
ドロテア: 何も持たないところから?どういう意味かしら。
Dorothea: All on your own? Did you renounce your nobility? Give away your riches?
フェルディナント: よくぞ聞いてくれた、ドロテア。
Ferdinand: No. I made these!
I obtained all the ingredients on my own, without anyone's help.
ドロテア: 材料って……粉や砂糖とか?
Dorothea: You mean... you got the sugar and the flour.
フェルディナント: ああ、粉は畑仕事を手伝う報酬として、砂糖などは商人の荷を運んで得たよ。
Ferdinand: Yes. To earn the flour, I worked in the fields. To earn the sugar, I carried a merchant's wares.
ドロテア: 料理も、もしかして一人で……?
Dorothea: Who did the cooking? You?
フェルディナント: もちろんだとも。厨房の雑用を請け負う代わりに、夜に使わせてもらってな。
Ferdinand: Naturally! I took on some extra chores in exchange for use of the kitchen at night.
ドロテア: 本当に? 流石に信じられ……あら、貴方、手、怪我してるわ!
Dorothea: I have to admit, that's impressive. Hey... It looks like you had a bit of an accident. Is your hand OK?
フェルディナント: 菓子を焼く時に火傷してしまったのだ。なに、この程度、すぐ治る。
Ferdinand: I burned myself a little while I was baking. Nothing to worry about.
ドロテア: ダメよ、火傷は跡になりますから。ほら、医務室に来て。
Dorothea: Nonsense. That burn will scar, you know. Come on, let's get you to the infirmary.
フェルディナント: あ、待ちたまえ、まだ焼き菓子が……! ああっ……
Ferdinand: Wait! Dorothea! You have yet to try my treats...
ドロテア: ほら、これで大丈夫ですよ、フェルくん。貴族様は体も大事にしないと。
Dorothea: You should be fine now, Ferdie. Big-shot nobles have to treat their bodies with care just like the rest of us.
フェルディナント: む、また貴族様と……いや、今回はいつものような棘がないな。
Ferdinand: There you go again. Noble this, noble that. Though you did say it with less disdain than usual.
ドロテア: ふふ、わかっちゃった?ちょっとだけ見直しましたし。
Dorothea: Nothing gets past you. As it were, I may have reconsidered you a little.
フェルディナント: 見直した!? そうか、ようやくわかってくれたのだね! 何しろ……
Ferdinand: You have reconsidered me? Finally! Just as I had hoped, we are becoming friends. Now then, I propose that we—
ドロテア: あのね、ちょっとだけだから。蜜蜂の意味も間違ってます。
Dorothea: I only said I reconsidered a little. And you still haven't figured out why I said you're like a bee.
Which is funny, because you look like a bee right now. Bye!
フェルディナント: くっ……いったい何だと言うのだ。ううむ……。
Ferdinand: So, I am still a bee. A completely mystified bee...
フェルディナント: おや、珍しいところで会ったな、ドロテア。君は信仰に篤くなかった気がするが……
Ferdinand: Ah, Dorothea. I am surprised to find you here. I did not think you were all that religious.
ドロテア: 知ってたのねえ、フェルくん。確かに私は、敬虔な信徒とは言えません。
Dorothea: There's a lot you don't know, Ferdie. But you're right. I'd hardly call myself devout.
After all, it was thanks to the goddess and her noble regime that I suffered so much as a child.
フェルディナント: 神聖な大聖堂で主の悪口とは、君は勇気があるにも程があるぞ、まったく。
Ferdinand: You must be quite brave to speak so coarsely in this hallowed place.
But what do you mean...about suffering as a child?
ドロテア: うーん、貴方に教える必要ある?
Dorothea: Ugh... Do I really have to tell you?
Oh, forget it. I'm sure you already know that I'm an orphan.
I grew up in the alleys of Enbarr, begging for coins, eating scraps, drinking from drains.
フェルディナント: やはりそうなのか……。浮浪孤児、何度か見かけたが……。
Ferdinand: I see. I remember seeing street children around the city...
ドロテア: ふふっ、その後マヌエラ先輩に見出されて、私は歌姫になったの。
Dorothea: I could've died. Then the right person overheard me singing...
And suddenly I was in the opera. I was a songstress. And my goodness...did the nobles like me.
The people who used to spit on me and call me an urchin? They praised my voice and my beauty.
A nobleman who had once kicked me, gave me the most gorgeous shoes. I almost asked if it was a joke.
英語では right person とだけで、マヌエラとは言っていない
フェルディナント: ……それで君は、貴族を嫌いになったのか。だが……なぜ私を同類視した?
Ferdinand: So, that is why you despise the nobility. But why do you think I am the same as them?
Do you really believe that is the kind of man I am?
You think I would ever treat people differently based on appearances? There is nothing noble about that!
ドロテア: ええ……? 違うと?だって、私は覚えてます。
Dorothea: Oh, really? You're something different? That's not how I remember things...
It was the very day that I was discovered... I was in high spirits. Nothing was wrong in the world.
I secretly bathed in one of the town's fountains, hoping to wash off some of the dirt from the streets.
I sang the same song the opera composer overheard earlier that day. And that's when you appeared.
opera composer = ドロテア自身 のことか?
フェルディナント: わ、私が……!?いや、まさか、それは……
Ferdinand: Me?! No... It could not have been...
ドロテア: やっぱり心当たりあるんでしょ。貴方は、私を睨んで、すぐに走り去った。
Dorothea: Don't play dumb. You glared at me, the same look I'd gotten from every other noble. Then you ran off.
When we met at the academy, you were a different person. All smiles and friendly words.
You were like a bee, Ferdinand. A bee attracted to a flower in full bloom.
フェルディナント: ……そうか、そうだったのか。あの時の歌……君だったのだな。
Ferdinand: So, it was you then, singing that song...
Dorothea, please listen. This is a misunderstanding.
When I saw you... I could not take my eyes off you. I was hypnotized.
Your beautiful voice, your elegant face...droplets of water on your skin that glittered in the sun. I thought you were a water nymph.
ドロテア: う、うそ?
Dorothea: Stop it. Don't lie to me.
フェルディナント: 嘘じゃない。ただ、子供心に無性に恥ずかしくて、逃げ出してしまった。
Ferdinand: No, it is true. I was only a child. The vision overwhelmed me. That is why I ran.
I plucked up the courage to return, but no one was there. I thought perhaps it was a dream...
ドロテア: ………………。
Dorothea: ...
Maybe I can believe you. I've wanted to ever since the day you made me those treats...
I thought then that maybe you weren't like the others, but... There's a lot I have to let go of, Ferdie.
フェルディナント: いいんだ、誤解が解けたなら嬉しいよ。それに私は、蜜蜂で構わない。
Ferdinand: Of course. I am glad we had this conversation. You know, I do not mind you thinking of me as a bee.
Life as a simple drone, circling a queen... It actually sounds quite wonderful.
ドロテア: ふふふふ。なら、悪い虫がつかないように、見張ってくれる?
Dorothea: Don't drones keep the queen safe from other bugs? I like the sound of that.
After officially becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand set about reforming his territory.
Thanks to the wisdom of his wife, Dorothea, Ferdinand's policies were of massive benefit to the commonfolk and brought about a swift recovery.
In recognition of this achievement, he was called upon by Emperor Edelgard to introduce these reforms to the Empire at large as the new prime minister. Though the work kept him very busy, he always managed to find time for Dorothea.
It is said that their children filled their loving household with beautiful music ever after.
After officially becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand set about reforming his territory. Thanks to the wisdom of his wife, Dorothea, Ferdinand's policies were of massive benefit to the commonfolk and brought about a swift recovery. In recognition of this achievement, he was called upon to help govern to Fodlan at large. Though the work of reforming the entire nation kept him very busy, he always managed to find time for Dorothea. It is said that their children filled their loving household with beautiful music ever after.