ドロテア: マヌエラ先輩、こうやって二人でじっくり話すのも久々ですねえ。
Dorothea: Professor Manuela! It's been far too long since we've had a proper chat. Let's fix that right now.
マヌエラ: そうね、なかなか時間が取れなくて。ふふっ、懐かしいわ、ドロテア。
Manuela: Too true, Dorothea. We hardly have a moment to spare here. But it's nice to see you flourishing. It certainly brings back memories.
You know, somehow you've gotten even prettier. The years have been kind to you.
ドロテア: ありがとうございます!先輩だって、まだまだ魅惑の美貌ですよ!
Dorothea: That's something like a rose telling a daisy it's pretty, but I appreciate the compliment all the same.
マヌエラ: いいえ、あたくしはもうダメよ。あなたはこうならないよう頑張って。
Manuela: Ha! Oh, honey. If that's the case, I hope you'll work hard to never become a rose like me. Too many thorns.
ドロテア: またまたー。もちろん頑張りますけど、先輩も一緒ですよ?
Dorothea: Oh, stop it. You've accomplished a great deal. You should be proud.
マヌエラ: そう願いたいわね……。
Manuela: That's a very nice sentiment and I appreciate it. Thank you.
マヌエラ: ドロテア、そういえば一つ気になっていたのだけど、どうやって入学したの?
Manuela: So, I've been dying to know, how did you come to be enrolled here?
マヌエラ: ドロテア、そういえば気になったまま忘れていたこと、聞いてもいいかしら。
Manuela: So, I've been very curious...
How did you end up enrolled at the academy, anyway?
マヌエラ: あなたは身寄りもないし、後ろ盾を得るのはとても大変だったのじゃなくて?
Manuela: I know you didn't have any family connections. How'd you do it?
ドロテア: ふふふっ、まあそうなんですけど、貴族の方を少し操って、ですね。
Dorothea: Well, it did require pulling some noble strings.
But learning everything to pass the entrance exams? That was all me and very hard.
Especially while I was still singing for the opera. But I wanted the academy more than anything else.
マヌエラ: まあ、そうだったのね。……ほんと、立派になったわ。
Manuela: Well, bravo and well-done.
You've always had to find your own way in life, haven't you? I so wish you could rely on people more often...
Still though, you haven't said why you worked so hard to get into Garreg Mach to begin with.
ドロテア: ええっ? 先輩が聞くんですか、それ。マヌエラ先輩がいたから、ですよ?
Dorothea: Isn't it obvious? Because you were here.
When you retired, it broke my heart. But is also woke me up.
Seeing someone like you, who shined so brightly on the stage, give it all up and start a brand new life...
It got me thinking about my own future, and what I wanted it to look like. As ever, I followed your lead.
マヌエラ: あら……あたくしが理由だったのね……。
Manuela: Oh... Oh my. I... I don't know what to say.
ドロテア: それに、今年は皇女と王子と次期盟主が揃って入学するって噂でしたから……
Dorothea: I had also heard that the heirs to the Alliance, Empire, and the Kingdom were all enrolling this year...
ドロテア: それに、あの年は皇女と王子と次期盟主が揃って入学するって噂でしたから……
Dorothea: I had also heard that the heirs to the Alliance, Empire, and the Kingdom were all enrolling as well...
ドロテア: そんな異例の年なら、逸材……良い男が集まるかなって。ふふっ。
Dorothea: With such an exceptional crop of potential spouses, how could I go anywhere else?
マヌエラ: それで、入学した甲斐はあった?夢や、将来や……良い男は見つかった?
Manuela: And have you gotten what you were after? Your dreams, a future... and a good partner?
ドロテア: 良い人も、将来も、まだ……。
Dorothea: I'm sure I'll find my somebody someday. But I haven't found them yet.
ドロテア: 良い人はいましたねえ。でも将来は、まだ……。
ドロテア: でも先輩とまた一緒にいられるだけで、十分楽しいですよ、今は。
Dorothea: Ahh, it's so nice to spend time with you again, Manuela. It's been too long.
マヌエラ: ううう……頭が割れそう……。割れそうだわ、あたくし……。
Manuela: Ughhh... My head is pounding. You'd think I'd get used to this... Ughh...
ドロテア: 先輩?あ、あら、大変そうですね。
Dorothea: Manuela? Oh my goodness! You look terrible.
Don't get up. I'll get you some water.
I should fluff up those pillows for you. It will make you more comfortable.
マヌエラ: はあ……。駄目ねえ、あたくし。
Manuela: I'm completely hopeless.
ドロテア: ……?
Dorothea: ...
マヌエラ: あたくしね、あなたがガルグ=マクに来た理由を聞いて、誇らしかったの。
Manuela: I was so proud of being the reason you came to Garreg Mach.
Dorothea wanted to follow in my footsteps! How great is that?
I thought I'd use that as an inspiration to straighten myself out. Be less of a, you know, less of a disgrace.
But here I am, right in front of you, dealing with the worst hangover I've had in weeks.
ドロテア: ええええ? 今更ですか!?というか、隠してるつもりだった……?
Dorothea: You thought you'd hide this from me?
マヌエラ: あれっ? 気づいていた……?
Manuela: Wait, you mean you knew?
ドロテア: 当たり前じゃないですか。マヌエラ先輩、有名なんですよ?
Dorothea: Even when you were still with the opera company, you had quite the reputation.
There was a joke that you could outdrink a fish, and the sailor who caught it.
マヌエラ: 待って。待ってちょうだい、ドロテア。
Manuela: Dorothea. My brain's pounding as it is. Please stop.
It's all true, but I can't handle hearing it from you, the girl who I thought I had inspired to greatness.
I can't believe I tried so hard to be a good example for you when you knew all along...
I should leap into the ocean and drown.
ドロテア: そんなこと言わないでください、先輩。私、それでも先輩を尊敬してるんですよ。
Dorothea: Don't say that! You've not lost a bit of respect from me. Not one bit.
Everyone has their faults, and some have more than others, but...
You were the finest songstress the opera had ever seen. And you've taught me well.
What I really mean to say is... You're my inspiration. I really do admire you.
マヌエラ: ふふふ、ありがとう、ドロテア。あたくしもよ。
Manuela: Thank you, Dorothea. That means a lot.
マヌエラ: ドロテア、何かあったの?こんなところで遠くを見つめて。
Manuela: Dorothea? You look as if something's terribly wrong.
ドロテア: マヌエラ先輩。そうですねえ、格好つけて言うなら……
Dorothea: I do? Oh. Nothing's wrong. Not really. I just...
I've just been thinking about the future... and what happens when the war is over.
マヌエラ: うふふふ、素敵ね。それで、未来はどうだった?
Manuela: And tell me, what is your vision of the future like?
ドロテア: それが……まっさらってわけでもないですけど、迷っちゃって。
Dorothea: Well, I'm... not entirely sure. I guess I don't know what to expect.
In my life, I've met all sorts of people who've lived lots of different way.
So now I'm trying to figure out how I want to live.
I'm free, unlike so many people. I have the ability to take control of my own fate. Like you.
マヌエラ: そうねえ。きっとそのとおりだわ。
Manuela: Ha, well...
I quit the opera to join the Officers Academy as a professor...
Then I joined this war because... I don't know. I'm hoping for an end to it. Peace for the world.
Even though I took control of my own fate, I still haven't found the man of my dreams.
ドロテア: ふふ。そうですねえ。でも、どんな形でも一つだけ叶えたいなあ。
Dorothea: Haha, you'll find him. He's out there somewhere... You know, there is one thing I want for the future.
マヌエラ: あら、夢ができたのね?
Manuela: So, you've got a dream after all?
ドロテア: いいえ、元々あった夢ですよ。マヌエラ先輩と同じ場所に立ちたいって。
Dorothea: Well, it's a dream I've always had. You'll think this is silly, but... I'd like to stand beside you.
マヌエラ: あたくしと同じ場所に?
Manuela: I don't get it.
ドロテア: ええ。歌劇団では叶いませんでしたから。
Dorothea: When you left the opera company...
I took your place. I stood center stage and sang. And everyone cheered for me.
I wish the cheers were for me and you. I wish we stood on that stage together.
マヌエラ: そう……それは、ごめんなさいね。
Manuela: I have to tell you something.
The first time I saw you on stage, I felt you were the one I wanted to hear sing.
I already had plans to leave the opera company, but when I met you...
I knew I couldn't leave until I saw you take your rightful place.
You're right though. It would have been nice to stand beside you on stage, even just once.
ドロテア: いいんです。今は隣にいられますから。
Dorothea: Maybe we weren't together then, but we're together here. Now.
And, in the future, maybe it won't be so bad if you never find that man of your dreams.
マヌエラ: ちょっと、ドロテア。何でこの流れでそんな話になるの?
Manuela: What do you mean by that?
ドロテア: 私とずっと一緒にいられますよね。そしたら私も男は作りませんし。
Dorothea: You and me. I won't find a guy either, we can just be together.
I think that'd be pretty nice, don't you? Living together, and doing whatever we want.
マヌエラ: そういうこと。……案外、良いかもしれないわねえ。
Manuela: Huh. You know... That could be nice. It'd be like you and me, finally together on stage...
The light shining down, our gowns and jewels sparkling. Just us...
ドロテア: いいですよ。二人なら、きっと輝いてますね、未来。
Dorothea: Sparkling in the stage lights forever.
The Mittelfrank Opera Company was on the brink of collapse until two of its star songstresses, Manuela and Dorothea, returned to the stage and brought the troupe new life and prominence. They toured all around Fodlan, sometimes even visiting troops on the front lines, soothing hearts with their beautiful songs wherever they went, and donating their profits to the relief and rebuilding effort. When the damage from the war had finally healed, the pair once again retreated from the stage, this time retiring to a private life together. It is said that their relationship was full of light and love.