ドロテア: 今日は楽しかったわ。また次も……期待してていいですか?
Dorothea: Well, I had fun today. Of course, you'll want to see me again, yes?
騎士: あ、ああ。もちろんだよ!ドロテアちゃん!
Knight: O-of course! I'd love to, Dorothea!
ドロテア: ふふ……それじゃあ、またねえ。
Dorothea: Well, until we meet again!
ドロテア: あら……先生?見てました?
Dorothea: Oh! Hello, Professor. Were you...watching that?
Choice 1: 昨日の男と違う That's a different guy than I saw you with yesterday.
ドロテア: ええ、そうよ。別に構わないでしょう?
Dorothea: Yes... Is there a problem with that?
Choice 2: ……………… ...
ドロテア: 何か言いたげな目ねえ、先生。昨日の男と違う、とかです?
Dorothea: You look like you have something to say, Professor.
ドロテア: 歌姫としての人気もいつまで続くかわからないから……次を選んでるんです。
Dorothea: Look, I know what I'm doing. My acclaim as a diva won't last forever, after all. I must look to the future.
ドロテア: 先生は男だから焦りはないでしょうけど、女の花が咲き誇れる時期は短いんだから。
Dorothea: As a man, you may not feel so rushed about these things, but I know my beauty will eventually fade.
ドロテア: 先生も、焦らなくていいのかしら?女の花が咲き誇れる時期は短いんですよ。
Choice 1: 実は焦っている We all feel anxiety about aging.
ドロテア: 先生が? ふふふ……まったくそんなふうには見えないけれど。
Dorothea: You? Really? I never would have guessed.
Choice 2: 焦っていない Getting older doesn't bother me at all.
ドロテア: ま、先生はそうよねえ。そんなところが逆に人気だったりもするし。
Dorothea: I wish I could be that easy going.
ドロテア: とにかく私は、将来を考えて動いているの。先生だろうと口は出させません。
Dorothea: Anyway, I'm not just playing games with these boys. This is for my future. You have no right to object.
I very much want to find a good partner here at the academy. Someone who will take care of me for the rest of my life.
Choice 1: 止めはしない Do what you will.
ドロテア: 嬉しいわ、先生もこの時期の大切さをわかってくれたのかしら?
Dorothea: I'm glad you understand.Not everyone appreciates the necessity of taking the initiative while you're still in your prime.
Or are you just saying that?
Choice 2: 本当に望んでいることなのか Is that really what you want?
ドロテア: どういう意味? 良き伴侶に巡り合い、安定した生活を築く……
Dorothea: Finding someone to take care of me?
Of course it is! Who could ask for anything more?
ドロテア: いくら先生といえど、私の人生についてあれこれ口出してほしくはないわ。
Dorothea: Anyway, I value your opinion, Professor, but I won't have you interfering with my plans.
Unless you'd like to take care of me into my old age? That'd be something, eh? How about it, Professor?
Choice 1: 養う OK.
Choice 2: 養わない I don't think so.
ドロテア: 答えは求めてないわ、先生。冗談ってわかってるでしょ?
Dorothea: I wasn't – You aren't being serious, are you? I was just teasing.
Or did you really just consider spending your whole life with me?
ドロテア: だとしたら嬉しいなあ。私のこと、女として見てくれたんだから。
Dorothea: If you did that... that actually makes me... It makes me happy. I had no idea you might look at me that way.
ドロテア: 女同士も、気楽で良さそうよねえ。先生、考えておいてちょうだい。
Dorothea: The thought hadn't crossed my mind before, but come to think of it...that might sound pretty nice.
ドロテア: ……なぜ黙って見てるの?不愉快だった?
Dorothea: You've gotten awfully quiet... You might even be blushing a bit. Have I embarrassed you?
If so, I'm very, very sorry. I should be going anyway. I'll see you later... Professor.
ドロテア: はあ……。
Dorothea: ...
Choice 1: どうした? What's wrong?
Choice 2: 恋煩い? Troubles with love?
ドロテア: 先生!?いえ、何でもないですから……。
Dorothea: Professor?? I – Oh...don't worry. It's nothing.
Actually, could we talk for a bit? Somewhere a little more...private?
ドロテア: ……
Dorothea: ...
I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I find you a little difficult to be around.
I know, I know. I'm your student and you're just trying to watch out for me.
But the way you look at me's like you're seeing right through me.
Choice 1: それは悪かった I'm sorry.
ドロテア: 謝らないで。先生に悪気がないのも、私が自意識過剰なのも、わかってるから。
Dorothea: No, don't apologize. I know you don't mean anything bad by it. I'm just self-conscious, I guess.
Choice 2: 見透かしてくる? Seeing through you?
ドロテア: いいの。先生にその気がないのも、私が自意識過剰なのも、わかってるわ。
Dorothea: Don't worry. I know you don't mean anything bad by it. I'm just self-conscious, I guess.
ドロテア: 私はね……何も持ってないんです。領地も、家柄も、財産も、知恵も、武芸も。
Dorothea: The thing is, I don't have anything to call my own. No land, no birthright, no fortune. Little knowledge or battle skill.
I think that's why I always clung to my popularity as a diva. Even after leaving the stage behind, I sort of kept up the act.
When I look at you, it's like your eyes are accusing me... Telling me that you see right through it.
That's what I mean when I say it's difficult to be around you.
Hey, uh, this might be nuts, but maybe you could show me some kind of weakness of yours?
Choice 1: なぜ? Excuse me?
ドロテア: 弱みを握っちゃえば、苦手に感じることもなくなる気がしないかしら?
Dorothea: You know my biggest fear. If I know one of yours, maybe I'll feel less, I don't know...vulnerable.
Choice 2: 弱みなどない I have no weaknesses.
ドロテア: 先生、本当?弱みのない人なんていないはずよ。
Dorothea: Oh, come on, Professor. Everyone has some kind of weakness. You know mine. If I know one of yours, maybe I'll feel less, I don't know...vulnerable.
Byleth: それで気が済むなら…… Well, if it would really help...
ドロテア: それじゃ、失礼して……
Dorothea: Excellent. Well then, don't mind me.
ドロテア: 先生って、浮いた話が一つもないわよね。女の影がないというか……。
Dorothea: You know, Professor, I never hear any gossip about you. Of a romantic nature, I mean.
Would I be right in assuming you're not very... experienced with romance? Maybe we should find out somehow...
ドロテア: ……先生? どうしたらそんなふうに無反応でいられるんですか?
Dorothea: Um... Professor? What's with you? Why aren't you reacting to anything I'm doing?
Oh, come on! Is your heart even beating? You're making me lose my confidence...
ドロテア: ふふ……先生の弱いところはどこかしら。耳? 首筋? 脇? それとも……
Dorothea: I bet I know your weakness. It's not mental, is it? It's physical! You're ticklish! Here, I'll prove it. That's right. The next time you gaze into my soul, I know just how I'll retaliate!
ドロテア: ……先生? どうしたらそんなふうに無反応でいられるんですか?
Dorothea: Um... Professor? What's with you? Why aren't you reacting to anything I'm doing?
Come on! I thought that was funny. I swear, it's like your heart isn't even beating.
Choice 1: 悪かった Sorry.
ドロテア: いいんです。こんなことで先生の弱みを握れるなんて思ってませんから。
Dorothea: That's all right. I didn't really think a little tease like that would be enough to get to you, anyway.
ドロテア: それにしても、私の責めを耐え切るなんて、先生はすごいですねえ。
Dorothea: Though it does still make me lose just a little confidence in my own charms...
ドロテア: でもそれと私の自信とは、別の問題なのよね……。
Dorothea: Though I was giving it my all. You're pretty tough to resist that.
Choice 2: 実は心臓も動いていない Actually, my heart isn't beating.
ドロテア: そんな冗談……え!?……本当に動いてない?
Dorothea: Ha, don't be so silly... Huh? It really isn't beating?! Is what I'd say if I was more gullible. You're just fooling around, Professor. I'm not sure how you did it, but that was a good one.
ドロテア: 突然だけど、感謝してますよ、先生。
Dorothea: This may seem a bit sudden, but...I want to thank you, Professor.
That is, for letting me live my life the way I want.
I've noticed you've been giving me fewer of those soul-revealing gazes lately.
I appreciate you making an effort to not trouble yourself over who I spend my time with.
Choice 1: 気づかれたか So, you found me out...
ドロテア: それはそうでしょう。先生からの愛を感じたわ……ふふふ。
Dorothea: Well, of course. Did you think I wouldn't notice? It's kind of sweet, in its own way.
Choice 2: 記憶にない I don't know what you mean.
ドロテア: ないならないでいいわよ。私が先生の愛を感じただけだから……ふふ。
Dorothea: If you say so...But I notice you doing it all the same. It's kind of sweet, in its own way.
ドロテア: ……先生、少し昔話を聞いてくれますか?
Dorothea: Professor, may I tell you a story about when I was younger?
I was an orphan, living in the back alleys of Enbarr, until one day I was overheard singing...
That was when my new life began. I was suddenly a songstress in the Mittlefrank Opera Company.
Performers, nobility...I met so may people. But none of them ever really knew me.
I was just some young pretty girl who could sing, a spectacle to be admired.
ドロテア: 私の見た目や歌声ばかりをやたらと褒め、要りもしない贈り物を山のように……。
Dorothea: Even though everyone praised my looks and my voice, and they showered me with gifts...
I knew, one day, I'd be old. My looks would fade, my voice would change, I wouldn't sound the same.
And I started to wonder, when I did get old, what would I have left?
I'd be old, alone...and back on the streets of the capital, right where I'd started.
Choice 1 : そんなことはない I don't believe that's true.
ドロテア: 先生が保証してくれるのかしら?でも、未来はわからないわ。
Dorothea: You can never be certain about what the future will bring.
Choice 2: 孤独にはさせない I won't let you be alone.
ドロテア: それは口説き文句かしら?ふふっ……だったら嬉しいけれど。
Dorothea: That's sweet of you, even if you are just flirting.
ドロテア: 私は元々、何も持っていなかった。いつそこに戻るともしれない……
Dorothea: I never had much to begin with in life, and I worry that one day, I'll be that way again...
That's why I keep searching for someone who will love me.
Someone unaware of the songstress, who can love a girl that used to be scared and alone on the streets of the capital...
I wonder if such a strange person can even exist.
ドロテア: 先生、こんなところにいたの?みんな総出で捜していたわよー。
Dorothea: Oh, is this where you've been? Everyone's looking for you.
With the war over, I'd like to think they's at least give you a few days' rest.
Don't worry, I won't tell them you're here.
It's a rare occasion for me to have you all to myself.
Choice 1: 男漁りはもういいのか Not looking for a guy to share the victory with?
ドロテア: え、ええ……無意味だと気づいたの。
No. I've given up on that. I realized there was no point.
ドロテア: そんなことしなくても、私の求める人は案外近くにいるかもしれないし。
Dorothea: Besides, maybe the person I've been looking for is closer than I realized.
ドロテア: ろくな男がいないし……私、気づいたの。別に男でなくて女でもいいんだって。
Choice 2: 物好きは見つかったか Did you ever find your "strange person"?
ドロテア: うーん、この人だったらなと思う相手はいるんだけどねえ。
Dorothea: See...there is one person I must confess I'm just a little bit interested in.
Byleth: ならば…… In that case...
ドロテア: え? それって……指輪?
Dorothea: What? Is that— That's a ring.
It would be embarrassing If I had the wrong idea, so i have to ask...
Are you proposing? Here? Now? T-to me?
ドロテア: 本当に……?何て、言葉にしたら、いいのかしら……
Dorothea: I don't know what to say.
ドロテア: ……ありがとう。でも、私なんかで本当にいいの?
Dorothea: Are you sure? You want to spend your life
ドロテア: ……ありがとう。でも、私は女よ? 本当にいいの?
ドロテア: もう歌姫でもないし、親も財産も、何もないのよ?
Dorothea:Even though I'm not a songtress anymore? And I don't come from a noble family or have any wealth or land to my name?
ドロテア: 先生だったら、どんな相手だって選べるじゃない、それなのに……
Dorothea: You won the war. You could pick anyone in the world. Why would you...
ドロテア: ……これ以上は、貴方/貴女に失礼ね。先生、喜んでお受けします。
Dorothea: OK. I mean, yes. Yes! I love you madly and I'd be happy to marry you!
But if we're going to be married, I had better think up a cute nickname for you. Don't you think?
Oh, I wonder what I should call you now... Darling? My beloved? So many options!
I starred in so many operas where I captured the heart of my beloved...
But I never dreamed that it would feel this wonderful when it actually happened
ドロテア: 平和な世の中で、貴方/貴女のためだけに歌って過ごす日々も……
Dorothea: A life singing for you in a peaceful world...
I imagine that life will be more wonderful than I ever could have hoped.
I love you.
I could never sing anything as pure as those three little words.
Almost immediately after the modest wedding ceremony between Byleth and Dorothea was over, the battle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. Dorothea chose not to take the field of battle with a weapon but rather to tend the household in her spouse's absence and provide emotional support to his effort to bring lasting peace to Fodlan. Many years after the war had ended, Dorothea's diary was uncovered, revealing the full extent of the happy life the couple shared. The love poems that they wrote to one another were published as a collection.
After taking on the role of archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his marriage to Dorothea. The former songstress resolved to stay out of the public eye, keeping to herself and her family, but as the archbishop worked tirelessly to restore Fodlan and the church, she did privately offer advice from time to time. It is said that her experience growing up as a commoner provided a useful perspective. Many years later, her diary was uncovered, revealing the full extent of the happy life the couple shared. The love poems that they wrote to one another were published as a collection.
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth announced his marriage to Dorothea. The former songstress resolved to stay out of the public eye, keeping to herself and her family, but as Byleth worked tirelessly to restore Fodlan, she did offer advice from time to time. It is said that her experience growing up as a commoner provided a useful perspective. Many years later, her diary was uncovered, revealing the full extent of the happy life the couple shared. The love poems that they wrote to one another were published as a collection.
ドロテア: 先生、来てくれたんですね。ふふふっ。
Dorothea: Ah, Professor! You showed up!
Choice 1: なぜここに? Why are you here?
ドロテア: なぜって、私が先生を呼んだからですよ?
Dorothea: Um, I'm the one who called you here, remember?
Choice 2: なぜ嬉しそう? Why do you look so happy?
ドロテア: なぜって、先生がいたからですよ?
Dorothea: Well, because you're here, of course!
ドロテア: 私の手紙、読んだから、ここに来てくれたんじゃないんですか?
Dorothea: You came here because you read the letter I sent you, right?
Choice 1: 身に覚えがない Not that I recall...
Choice 2: 手紙……? What letter?
ドロテア: うそ……じゃあ偶然?
Dorothea: Are you saying this is...a coincidence?
How disappointing to think you didn't come here specifically to see me.
Still, if we're meeting by complete chance... that has a certain appeal too. It's as if destiny brought us together!
And tonight is the night of the ball... Lucky me.
Choice 1: 何か企んでいる……?(支援C以下)What are you plotting?
ドロテア: 企んでるって……もう、失礼しちゃいます。
Dorothea: Plotting? That's a bit rude, don't you think?
I just wanted to see if you'd come here like I asked. I had a feeling that you would.
Choice 2: 苦手だったのでは……(支援B以上)I thought you weren't comfortable around me...
ドロテア: 私が誰かといる時の視線が、ね。先生と二人きりならいいんです。
Dorothea: Oh, that's just when you're looking through me in front of others. When it's just us...I kind of like it. Originally, I wanted to see what you'd do when you read my letter.
ドロテア: 私は、先生が来てくれるんじゃないかなって思ってましたよ。
Dorothea: I just wanted to see if you'd come here like I asked. I had a feeling that you would.
Though, I suppose you didn't even read the letter to begin with...
I should just be thankful I wasn't left here waiting. All alone. Forever.
Do you know it's been almost nine whole moons since you arrived at Garreg Mach?
You must have found a special someone by now, haven't you, Professor?
Choice 1: 出来た I have.
ドロテア: ほんとですか!? 誰だろう……気になっちゃいますねえ。
Dorothea: Ooh? Who could it be? You've made me so curious.
Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to pry if you don't want to share. Your private life is private, after all.
Choice 2: 出来ていない I have not.
ドロテア: ほんとですか? 嘘っぽいなあ……私の勘ではいると思います。
Dorothea: Uh-huh, right. I bet you're just hiding it. There's someone you're sweet on...
Don't you worry, I won't pry if you don't want to share. These things are private, after all.
Choice 3: そんな話か…… Is that what you wanted to talk about?
ドロテア: もう、誤魔化さないでよー。誤魔化すってことは、いるんですね?
Dorothea: Are you changing the subject? Don't do that. Ohh, I bet that means you do have someone, don't you?
Don't you worry, I won't pry if you don't want to share. These things are private, after all.
ドロテア: それじゃ、そろそろ私は退散しますね。
Dorothea: Well, I oughta get going...
I wouldn't want to be in the way if your special someone shows up.
Either way, I do hope you'll share a dance with me later.