fetch は単にどこかからものをこちらに持ってくるだけでなく、その物を持ち帰る目的でこちらからまず出向いていくという含みがある。 不運を持ち帰るのは bring である(わざわざ取りに行かないから) 両者がまったく同じ意味に使われる場合は、売れる度合いを示す時
1 (especially British English) to go to where somebody/something is and bring them/it back
fetch somebody/something to fetch help/a doctor
The inhabitants have to walk a mile to fetch water.
She's gone to fetch the kids from school.
fetch somebody something Could you fetch me my bag?
fetch something to be sold for a particular price
The painting is expected to fetch $10 000 at auction.
Phrasal Verbs
Word Origin
Old English fecc(e)an, variant of fetian, probably related to fatian ‘grasp’, of Germanic origin and related to German fassen.