OSSで関数型言語を作っている人が「最初は無料でどんどん機能追加してたけど、次第にめんどくさくなって『お金を払う or 貢献する』人しか使えないようにしちゃった。だからこんなのがあれば嬉しかった」みたいなことをコメントしていた
And now I'm wondering what the actual workflows for making a payment are. Will the openfare command actually deal with that, or is it handled externally by the project-user just making a payment to the listed account?
And then there's the question of proof of payment. Is that a feature that bitcoin and stripe even support? Some kind of link to a transaction receipt that you can put in a text file, where it says "x account paid y dollars to z account at t time", but it's all cryptographically signed by the payment processor? I'd assume bitcoin at least has that because blockchain.
Then of course there's edge cases, where a price is posted, a user makes a payment, the price is then raised, and the proof of payment needs to account for that.