Sorm4j (Simple micro Object-Relation Mapper for Java) is a Java-based micro-ORM tool that could access a database in a oneliner. Sorm4j is a sort of JDBC wrapper. It provides simple functionalities to do select, insert, update, delete, merge and join.
Sorm4j is distributed under a Apache License Version 2.0.
Private and experimental API
The classes in org.nkjmlab.sorm4j.internal are regarded as private API. Experimental elements are annotated by @Experimental.
Web page
To get started, see here.
Next to get started, see here.
The key features of Sorm4j, see here.
The detailed manual is here.
Sorm4j is designed to be:
Sorm4j provides a simple way to access a JDBC database, usually in one line of code.
Sorm4j could be treated with simple POJO and Record class.
Performance: Sorm4j's overhead comparing to plain JDBC operations is low > Performance /yuunkjm/--.icon
Sorm4j supports :
Named parameters & ordered parameters
Sorm4j could handle named parameters and ordered parameters like that:
NamedParameterizedSqlParser.of("select * from players where id=:id").bind("id", 1);
Insert JavaObject directly
Sorm4j supports multi-row insert. Multi-row insert is faster than batch insert if you use H2 database.
sorm.insert(new Customer(1, "Alice", "Tokyo"));
sorm.insert(new Customer(2, "Bob", "Tokyo"), new Customer(3, "Carol", "Osaka"), new Customer(4, "Dave", "Nara"));
Simple transaction support
sorm.acceptHandler(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, conn -> {
// After the process of handler, the transaction is rollback automatically.
External connection pooling library: Sorm4j can be combined with other connection pooling library (e.g. HikariCP).
Sorm4j is not:
not tested various RDBMS product
Sorm4j is only tested with H2. Most of functions of Sorm4j runnuble various RDBMS producs becase it uses standard SQL expressions . Som tests are executed by H2 compatibility Mode of MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and Oracle.
Supported databases (Tested database)
Sorm4j is usable with the database which provids JDBC driver.
Tested databases (with high coverage test)
Tested databases (with test of basic object-relation mapping) @ v 1.3.19
MySQL (8.0.23) with JDBC driver 8.0.23 PostgreSQL (12.5-RC) with JDBC driver 42.2.19
Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Server Express Edition: SQL Server 2019 15.00.4073.23.v1) with JDBC driver 9.2.1.jre11
Oracle (19c SE2) with JDBC driver
Other similar libraries