Performance depends on the environment and situations (e.g., Table schema, connection pool, RDMS system). Performance also depends on how the programmer implements it. On this page, we show the results of performance measurement as one example.
Benchmark codes
Table schema
CREATE TABLE post (id INT PRIMARY KEY , text VARCHAR(255) , creation_date DATETIME , last_change_date DATETIME , counter1 INT , counter2 DOUBLE)
Operation for benchmark
reads one row from table including 10,240 rows using primary key.
inserts one row to table.
read multirow
reads all rows from table including 10,240 rows.
insert multirow
inserts the all given 10,240 rows to table.
Results of 2.0.7
table:Performance 2.0.7 (microsec/operation) the lower, the better
lib read insert read multirow insert multirow
Hand coded (baseline) 4.5 5.1 3843 23448
Sorm4j 3.8 (16% faster) 5.5 (8% slower) 3609 (6% faster) 21521 (8% faster)
Sql2o 7.0 (56% slower) 9.5 (86% slower) 4336 (13% slower) 36309 (55% slower)
JDBI 15.4 (242% slower) 12.2 (139% slower) 5564 (45% slower) 32503 (39% slower)
JOOQ 41.2 (816% slower) 21559 (461% slower)
MyBatis 10.6 (136% slower) 9998 (160% slower)
Spring JdbcTemplate 7.9 (76% slower)
nave ver
sql2o 1.6.0
jdbi 3.42.0
jooq 3.18.7
mybatis 3.5.14
spring-jdbc 6.1.1
commons-dbutils 1.8.1
item value
OS Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit 22H2
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor 3.50 GHz
Memory 64GB (DDR4-3200)
SSD NVMe Samsung SSD 970
RDBMS H2 Database 2.2.224
JDBC URL jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1
item value
JMH version 1.37
VM version JDK 21, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, 21+35-LTS
VM invoker EclipseTemurin\jdk-21+35\bin\java.exe
VM options <none>
Blackhole mode compiler (auto-detected, use -Djmh.blackhole.autoDetect=false to disable)
Warmup 1 iterations, 10 s each
Measurement 3 iterations, 10 s each
Timeout 10 min per iteration
Threads 1 thread, will synchronize iterations
Benchmark mode Average time, time/op
Results of 1.4.0
table:Performance 1.4.0 (microsec/operation) the lower, the better
lib read insert read multirow insert multirow
Hand coded (baseline) 4.2 5.2 3405 21135
Sorm4j 4.3 (2% slower) 5.7 (10% slower) 3091 (-9% slower) 21259 (1% slower)
Sql2o 6.3 (50% slower) 9.3 (79% slower) 3878 (14% slower) 41126 (95% slower)
JDBI 16.5 (293% slower) 12.1 (133% slower) 5128 (51% slower) 37644 (78% slower)
JOOQ 42.9 (921% slower) 14123 (315% slower)
MyBatis 9.6 (129% slower) 10083 (196% slower)
Spring JdbcTemplate 8.7 (107% slower)
nave ver
sql2o 1.6.0
jdbi 3.25.0
jooq 3.15.5
mybatis 3.5.8
spring-jdbc 5.3.14
commons-dbutils 1.7
item value
OS Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit 21H2
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor 3.50 GHz
Memory 64GB (DDR4-3200)
SSD NVMe Samsung SSD 970
RDBMS H2 Database 2.0.202
JDBC URL jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1
item value
JMH version 1.27
VM version JDK 17.0.1, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, 17.0.1+12
VM invoker EclipseTemurin\jdk-\bin\java.exe
VM options <none>
JMH blackhole mode full blackhole + dont-inline hint; set -Djmh.blackhole.mode=COMPILER to get compiler-assisted onest
Warmup 1 iterations, 10 s each
Measurement 3 iterations, 10 s each
Timeout 10 min per iteration
Threads 1 threads, will synchronize iterations
Benchmark mode Average time, time/op