GPU cloud サービス。AIを活用時にGPUをうまく利用できるかというサービス
We are proud to partner with Jared not just because he’s building a desperately needed solution to a fast-growing problem, and not just due to his impressive background, but because of who he is. We look for founders with grit, distance traveled, and irrational motivation, and it is clear when you meet Jared that he has all three. He is driven by a desire to honor the life of his mother, who was a computer scientist herself, and by a deeply held belief in technology as a path to a better world. What’s more, he has an incredible range and depth of knowledge—and we also look for founders from whom we can learn.
Jared’s foresight and innovation led to an exceptional 2023 for Foundry, as the company grew revenue from zero to eight figures with happy customers including the Arc Institute, Poolside and Captions. His team has unique experience in systems design for ML and, like its leader, a steadfast commitment to the hard work of making things simple.
ジャレッドの洞察力と革新性により、Foundryは2023 年に非常に良い年を迎えました。同社の売上は0から8 桁の数字に成長し、Arc Institute、Poolside、Captionsなどの幸せな顧客を得ることができました。彼のチームには機械学習システムデザインの独特な経験があり、リーダーと同様に、物事を単純にするための並々ならぬ取り組みに尽力しています
The challenge チャレンジ
To use AI infrastructure today, CTOs and infra teams have become virtual supply chain managers. They have to get PhDs in hardware and spend their time capacity planning and pondering which chips to use for which workload. Precious time is spent figuring out how to access the right hardware and get the most out of it. The result is a complex, convoluted workflow that leeches engineering attention away from actually building products.
The invention of the lightbulb was a significant technological breakthrough, but further innovations and layers of abstraction were required to reach the simple light switch we know today. To turn on the light we don't have to concern ourselves with George Ohm, the structure of the grid, or electricity market mechanism design questions…we just flip the switch. Foundry is building this infrastructure for the age of AI. We’re building a new breed of public cloud, powered by an orchestration platform that makes accessing AI compute resources as easy as turning on the light.
Our solution 私たちの解決策
Foundry exists to shift the paradigm and trajectory of AI infrastructure, making it more accessible, efficient, and powerful.
AI 基盤の利便性、効率性、および強力さを高めることを目的として、Foundryが新しいパラダイムと道筋を築いています。
You should consider using Foundry if:
You struggle with availability or require elasticity. Our marketplace and spot products offer top tier cloud resources. Many of our customers previously struggled to navigate the limited availability and cumbersome reservation requirements typical in the AI cloud landscape -- no longer.
You care about price-performance. The current GPU ecosystem is first-come, first-serve, and fixed-price. Availability is a challenge in peak times, and so are the puzzling gaps in rates across vendors. Foundry is powered by a sophisticated mechanism design that delivers better price performance than anyone on the market.
You just want to focus on your main business and ML work. Industry giants have invested for years in infra teams that build sophisticated cluster management and workload orchestration tools to abstract away the hardware. Foundry makes this accessible to everyone else, ensuring that users can reap compute leverage without a twenty person team at scale.
あなたは主要な事業とML 作業に集中したいだけです。業界の大手企業は、ハードウェアを抽象化するための洗練されたクラスター管理とワークロードオーケストレーションツールを構築するためのインフラチームに長年投資してきました。Foundryはこれを誰もが利用できるようにし、大規模な20 人のチームを持つことなくコンピューティング上の利点を享受できるようにしています。
You value security. We recognize that security and reliability are paramount for serious practitioners. Foundry is built to the highest security and compliance standards from day one and is SOC 2 Type II certified. We work with enterprises of all sizes and invest heavily in technology to predict and resolve errors proactively, maximizing uptime. Click here to learn more.
セキュリティを大切にしています。私たちは、真剣なユーザーにとって、セキュリティと信頼性が最重要であることを認識しています。Foundryは、最高水準のセキュリティとコンプライアンス基準に基づいて構築され、SOC 2 Type II 認証を取得しています。あらゆる規模の企業と協力し、プロアクティブにエラーを予測・解決することで、稼働時間の最大化を目指しています。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。
If the above resonates with you, and you’d like to become a customer or partner, please reach out to us here.