Atmospheric Science
MetPy: a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing, and performing calculations with weather data Siphon: downloading data from remote data services windspharm: performing computations on global wind fields in spherical geometry pyqg Python Quasigeostrophic Model qgs Quasi-Geostrophic Spectral model (qgs) Typhoon: A collection of tools for atmospheric research with Python 3 Py-ART: The Python ARM Radar Toolkit PyTROLL: framework for the processing of earth observation satellite data sunpy: solar data analysis environment MMM-Py: Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Mosaic Python Toolkit PyTDA: Python Turbulence Detection Algorithm PyAMPR: Python Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer Data Toolkit Pymicra - A Python tool for Micrometeorological Analyses Hydropy: Work with hydrological oriented time series. atmqty: A Python Package for Calculating Atmospheric Quantities pvlib-python: A set of documented functions for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems. mos_parser: Library for Converting MOS (Model Output Statistics) Guidanc Datasets to Machine Learning Formats jsmetrics Python package for metrics and algorithms used to identify or characterise atmospheric jet streams Tutorials
Dewpoint calculation script in Python
thermodynamic calculator for air under normal atmospheric conditions
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