OceanSpy: A Python package to facilitate ocean model data analysis and visualization python-airsea: This module contains a translation of the original AIR_SEA toolbox for Matlab cbsyst: Python module for calculating carbon and boron solution chem particle tracking
OceanParcels: particle tracking simulations using output from Ocean Circulation models trackpy: particle tracking in 2D, 3D, and higher dimensions. Eddy tracking
ttide_py: A direct conversion of T_Tide (matlab) to Python. pytides: Tide prediction and analysis in python Tools for "Ocean Heat Flux" project
mixsea: Ocean mixing parameterizations in python SWOT Simulator: simulates SWOT observations of the sea surface height (SSH) that can be applied to an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) PyCO2SYS: Python toolbox for solving the marine carbonate system and calculating related seawater properties COAsT Python: standardised validation workflow for ocean physics models VISIR-2: ship weather routing in Python Model
Veros: Versatile Ocean Simulation in Pure Python pwp_python_00 Python implementation of the Price Weller Pinkel (PWP) ocean mixed layer model ML_model: Fortran/Python source code of 1-D ocean mixed layer model with a turbulence closure model Data
NDBC: Data from National Data Buoy Center Wiki/Summaries
website to learn Python Programming Language for ocean- and marine-science applications and to share Python code
PyHOGs stands for Python Hour for Oceanographers and Geoscientists
Finding oceanic fronts with edge detection techniques
See also