Family of 4 started playing together.
Only my 5-year-old daughter was free to play with the money and coupons she collected, buying clothes and furniture of her choice without having to pay off debts or expand her room, with everyone telling her it was a waste of money.
It has been over a year since then, and only my daughter continues to play and enjoy the daily events.
Which is a waste of time?
... It's not worth the opportunity to be a little uncomfortable being interrupted in your play.
... I've had people say to me, "Watching you play annoys me." ... Memories are one set of those things, aren't they?
In the end, I never used the elixir until the end.
The elixir, which seemed so precious, became available quite often as the story progressed and reached the end of the story.
My item box was overflowing with elixir. You might think, "Well, why don't you just use it bang bang," but in the first place, I didn't get in that much of a pinch at the end of the game, and as I expected, I would use it in the last boss, but I didn't get pushed that hard, and I was able to clear the game normally.
Some people consider "saving without using" to be "not a waste," but I guess they don't see the lost opportunity that comes with not using it. 2023-11-10
whitemage personality "It's been over a year since then and only my daughter continues to play and enjoy the daily events. Which is a waste of time." : sacrilegious. ◆I'm in the "can't use elixir all the time" camp. This is an issue of upbringing beyond the game. If you don't have a lot of "experiences where you can get what you want right away," you'll be poor.
whitemage For example, "I used the elixir the first time. For example, if you have a lot of experiences where someone buys it for you or gives it to you when you say "I used the elixir in the first stage and now I need it", you can use it without hesitation. If you have a lot of experiences of "I should have kept it...", you tend to save it for a later time. whitemage In other words, I agree with the opinion that the people who are "fulfilled in life" are those who can use the elixir, but I think the reason for this comes from the starting point of "those who were blessed to grow up in an environment where they can use the elixir without hesitation (because someone will buy it for them when they run out)" rather than "the personality that can use the elixir. I think the reason comes from the starting point that they are blessed people who grew up in an environment where they can use the elixir without hesitation (because they can get someone to buy it for them when they run out), rather than from their "character to use the elixir". ---
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