this way
When did you start trying
What was the trigger?
Project note on the listening chat system (Keicho)
How things have changed.
Task management for projects with Scrapbox
Looks good, so I'm going to move closer to this in the future.
Seemed like a good idea at first glance, but it seems like a garbage dump that went bust.
What went wrong?
That should have been a priority over managing task status in Scrapbox.
Around 2021-08-10
I didn't pin it on.
When it sinks, you say, "Huh? Where was I?" and then it becomes
~This is a hub page for personal notes on the project
and started pinning it down.
Specifically, translation projects
For translation projects, the title was in Japanese.
Later exchanges with reviewers were pIntEn, but not much use was made of them. The work logs were in the "one page, dated and written in a row" format.
In pMovidea, it's basically one page a day in the form of a "Date Movidea Development Diary. When the volume is small, I sometimes add to it without changing the page.
What is and is not a task
Specification fragments
It would be nice to have this feature."
This is not a task, but you describe it as if it were a task.
Over time, a pile of "tasks that I'm not sure why I need to do"
If you have a lot of tasks, you may be prematurely tasking things that should not yet be tasked
past, present and future
Keep a diary of your work.
easy to write
It has the advantage of being able to look back on it later.
Basically, "past."
The "future" is mixed in there.
Should we just dwell on the future part?
Short-term future-past cycle
The pattern of writing down "what I will do today" or "I'm going to do this now" and then executing them.
At the time of writing, it's in the future, soon to turn into the past.
There is merit in writing this.
Clarify by declaring what you will do.
When you try something and it doesn't work out, you change the policy. At this time, there is a log that says, "I tried to do X, there was a problem called Y, I changed my mind to do Z.
pKeicho Reflection
Maybe "[Project pages must be reworked periodically.
I had multiple pProjects pinned to the top, but they were less beneficial for the area they occupied.
So I made a design change to create pProjectIndex and pin this one, and the others can be skipped from here. Examples of others
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/pProject. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.